/ Romance / Universal Love Grocery

Universal Love Grocery Comic Universal Love Grocery Comic

Universal Love Grocery

Completed 70 Chapters 51.6K Views

Publisher: Liyuwanyi

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The police are going crazy! Strange things keep happening throughout City X. A Saiyan takes his girlfriend hostage without warning, a missing wife suddenly turns into a goddess of fortune, and the “Ultimate Love Bazaar” that claims it can solve all love-related issues is behind all these strange incidents? A charming romance blossoms when an impish witch who sells universal relationship problem-solving items and can travel between dimensions meets an impassive policeman who conscientiously checks licenses. Would you like to have a taste, dear customer?


  1. NikkyNick
    NikkyNick Contributed 829
  2. psamathe
    psamathe Contributed 797
  3. Vanessa_Udugba
    Vanessa_Udugba Contributed 60

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