/ Movies / Rumours

Rumours Orisinil


Movies 40 Bab 127.4K Dilihat
Penulis: daniel99

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Harry discovers that the prophecy says he will die when he faces Voldemort. What if Severus Snape refuses to allow this to happen? A new friendship between a student & professor becomes the strongest force against Voldemort. For Harry, it's a story of how he is saved. For Severus, it's a story of how he really, really shouldn't have fallen in love with Harry.

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. Just_a_Reader124
    Just_a_Reader124 Berpartisipasi 15
  2. Vergeten_Konijn
    Vergeten_Konijn Berpartisipasi 3
  3. NixSS
    NixSS Berpartisipasi 2

Status Power Mingguan

Rank -- Peringkat Power
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Latar Belakang Dunia

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Tulis ulasan

The story itself was beautiful, and very well written and has very little noticeable mistakes. overall I loved it! Thank you author, I appreciate all the work you put into this.

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this made me smile, laugh, cry and super happy I was ready to reread it as soon as I finished it normally it would take months for me to reread a story well done author expertly done

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Normally this kind of fanfic would be weird and not work out well, but boy was i wrong. Author did a great job playing my feelings while i was reading this. Short sweet and amazingly written. ❤️

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Penulis daniel99