/ Inspiring / Bad Idol

Bad Idol Comic Bad Idol Comic

Bad Idol

Lengkap 61 Bab 44.6K Dilihat

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3 bad girls accidentally entered a talent show, but were favored by a well-known agent! They were forced to participate in the star-making program. How would they handle it? There were so many wonderful competitors in the show. What will happen next?


  1. Alexis_Humphery
    Alexis_Humphery Berpartisipasi 663
  2. Lastear
    Lastear Berpartisipasi 663
  3. ForgottenHours
    ForgottenHours Berpartisipasi 234


Hadiah -- Hadiah diterima

    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone
    Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C0
    Gagal mengirim. Silakan coba lagi
    • Kualitas gambar
    • Pengembangan Cerita
    • Desain Karakter

    Skor total 0.0

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