/ Mystery / Dr.Don

Dr.Don Comic Dr.Don Comic


83 Bab 1.1M Dilihat

Penerbit: Webnovel Comics

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"It is the dawn of chaos."
#City #CthulhuElements
#2021 NEW HIT!

ใ€Update Tue Friใ€‘The city was once a haven of prosperity, but it has been transformed into a hellhole of despair.
The horrifying moans and groans emerge seemingly from nowhere, haunting the sky like vultures. In the vast ocean, an indescribable giant shadow from yesteryear rises and falls.
Outbreaks of unknown diseases and terrible disasters drive the panicked people from their homes in a frantic search for the safety of shelter; a kind of safety that no longer exists.

-- This is an authorized work from Webnovel Comics protected by copyright law(Both original and translated version). All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. Megapython
    Megapython Berpartisipasi 941
  2. Ryder_Shmigelsky
    Ryder_Shmigelsky Berpartisipasi 933
  3. LillithJade_Vaughn
    LillithJade_Vaughn Berpartisipasi 932


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