/ Urban / Hey Boss, I am Your New Wife

Hey Boss, I am Your New Wife Comic Hey Boss, I am Your New Wife Comic

Hey Boss, I am Your New Wife

Lengkap 214 Bab 6.6M Dilihat

Penerbit: Webnovel Comics

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Dillon, a captain at Eastern Airline and her to the Alba Consortium Group, was involved in a collision and was inflicted with amnesia. He only remembered Wendy, who, in her desperation to rescue him, died in the process. She was abandoned by a mean family. Later, she was inexplicably revived but suffered from a compulsion to die if Dillon did so. To save herself, Wendy became attached to Dillon!
Debutantes cried and wailed: “Dillon wasn’t fool, but how could he have been taken in by that harlot?”At the same time, a thought come from dark is approaching: “Why don’t I take her back to my place and show her the same kindness?”…


  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Berpartisipasi 24175
  2. heavy_reader07
    heavy_reader07 Berpartisipasi 14341
  3. Maude_Fluckiger
    Maude_Fluckiger Berpartisipasi 14293


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