/ Magic / My Maid is a Demon

My Maid is a Demon Comic My Maid is a Demon Comic

My Maid is a Demon

Lengkap 77 Bab 4.1M Dilihat

Penerbit: Readcomic

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On his birthday, university student Bai XiaoShu suddenly receives a strange phone call from his father. Afterwards, he is inexplicably chased by people dressed in black who are intent on taking his life. Bai XiaoShu follows his fatherโ€™s instructions and returns to his family residence. On the brink of death, he makes a contract with a devil. When he awakens, he finds himself face-to-face with an adorable girl who calls herself his maid. However, all of the strange events in his story... have only just begun...


  1. TheOneMadHawk
    TheOneMadHawk Berpartisipasi 827
  2. john_corbett
    john_corbett Berpartisipasi 817
  3. SlowGo
    SlowGo Berpartisipasi 815


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