/ Sci-Fi / Ode to Humanity: Earthlings, Rise!

Ode to Humanity: Earthlings, Rise! Comic Ode to Humanity: Earthlings, Rise! Comic

Ode to Humanity: Earthlings, Rise!

251 Bab 3.0M Dilihat

Penerbit: Webnovel Comics

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Fifty years ago, Dracon City fell into another dimension. Despite having to fight and defend themselves alone, they held fast to the banner of Earth and stood tall against the terrifying Exbeasts found within the Altermension.
Fast forward to the present day, Meng Chao was reborn. Much to his surprise, he found out that he could become stronger by contributing to society. He then decided that he would become the most powerful of them all, wipe out every single Exbeast, and conquer the entire Altermension.
His ending, his parents' ending, and even the ending of all mankind; he swore to rewrite them all!


  1. Souwanna
    Souwanna Berpartisipasi 51231
  2. John_LeClair
    John_LeClair Berpartisipasi 43251
  3. Renni92
    Renni92 Berpartisipasi 41535


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