/ Romance / Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle Comic Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle Comic

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle

446 Bab 8.8M Dilihat

Penerbit: ZhaYa Studio

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The killer queen has got a chance to live her life again, but two things scare her… One is when master Jue flirts with her. He is so hot that she has no idea how to turn him down! The other is master Jue's huge cannon. The moment she gets close, the fuse is blown. "Little uncle, we are both decent people. Please don't flirt with me!" But Wei Hanjue simply twitches his lips and says: "Guess thats not how I define myself.” An Yun:…


  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Berpartisipasi 50687
  2. marilyn_hernandez
    marilyn_hernandez Berpartisipasi 30234
  3. Jessica_Bandes
    Jessica_Bandes Berpartisipasi 21227


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