/ Action / Soul Land IV: Ultimate Fighting

Soul Land IV: Ultimate Fighting Comic Soul Land IV: Ultimate Fighting Comic

Soul Land IV: Ultimate Fighting

458 Bab 11.7M Dilihat

Penerbit: SHENMAN

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"Ultimate Fighting is the best and latest novel in the “Soul Land” series by Tang Jia San Shao. The Douluo federal expedition team found an egg with golden and silver patterns in the Northernmost Land. After detecting, they found signs of life inside. They quickly brought it back to their Institute for incubation. The egg hatched and a human baby came out; at the same time, the Federal Academy of Sciences was unfreezing a silver-haired woman, and a blue-haired young man was found on the waterfront. 【Copyright Authorized】


  1. Aeidail260574
    Aeidail260574 Berpartisipasi 43139
  2. DarkShadowBlaze
    DarkShadowBlaze Berpartisipasi 41241
  3. Charles_Harris_3897
    Charles_Harris_3897 Berpartisipasi 32445


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