/ Romance / Tales of a Blissful Life

Tales of a Blissful Life Comic Tales of a Blissful Life Comic

Tales of a Blissful Life

Lengkap 54 Bab 1.4M Dilihat

Penerbit: ManYue

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A thousand years ago, she was a small tree spirit that fell in love with the Water God. After enduring a tragic love story where the water god was decimated, she lived alone into the modern times, becoming the owner of a dessert shop named "Non Stop". Her specialty is a type of tea called Blissful Life, which attracts all sorts of weird customers. Every customer that drinks her tea, they all end up telling her their life story, and these stories are often the love stories of demons and beasts, filled with passion and vengeance.


  1. tetiwa
    tetiwa Berpartisipasi 508
  2. Emma_Atilla
    Emma_Atilla Berpartisipasi 499
  3. Linzi_Wiggins
    Linzi_Wiggins Berpartisipasi 494


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    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone
    Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C0
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