/ Urban / Twin Detective S1

Twin Detective S1 Comic Twin Detective S1 Comic

Twin Detective S1

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Penerbit: Jiuran

Tentang Daftar Isi


Sun Xiaohu and Sun Xiaotu were twin brothers. Xiaohu died by accident in his college but nobody knew the cause of his death. Itโ€™s strange that his younger brother Xiaotu could always see his soul. Later on, they opened a firm specializing in dealing with supernatural events. The story starts with a high school girlโ€™s encounter of ghosts...


  1. bl_fan_1
    bl_fan_1 Berpartisipasi 60
  2. nimosyne
    nimosyne Berpartisipasi 60
  3. Queen_Tyrahnee
    Queen_Tyrahnee Berpartisipasi 59


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    Status Power Mingguan

    Rank -- Peringkat Power
    Stone -- Power stone
    Tulis ulasan Status Membaca: C0
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