
dragon mma

  • dragon mma

    The Angel Book 1: Long Lost Love

    by Annabelle16
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    Girl From Brooklyn reginites her lingering love, MMA Fighter turnt Priest....

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  • dragon mma

    The Worst Swordsman

    by Novelguy
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    Alex's Master: John Stuman Don't worry about Mortals being the underdogs because life is just unfair. Harmonic Dragon's Angelic Halo Chaotic Dragon's Demonic Horn Alex's Personality: He doesn

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  • dragon mma

    Supreme Emperor System

    by Red_Tempest
    4.56 (180 ratings)

    Michael was astonished when he saw the President of the MMA Club. The president was actually a short blonde chick. She was about 5 Ft 3 In and had a petite body. She walked with elegance and had a mat

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  • dragon mma

    My Wacky Girlfriend

    by mharizt
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    A/N Please note that this chapter is all of what happened to Janina simula nung umalis siya sa Philippines. It’s like a continuation of her POV from the very first chapter. SPG. Mature topic. Please

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  • dragon mma

    wiz khalifa weedologist saffocating triposition

    by Criminal
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    mma leave all my problems out on the floor I' mma drink so much that I can't make it home So would you take me home ? ( yeah) I had

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  • dragon mma


    by 郁郁蓬蒿人
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    白大拿一脸呆滞的看着项英雄,结结巴巴的说道:“你……你是说……”   项英雄得意的看了看白大拿,没等他说完就直接说道:“没错!我这场比赛使用拳击的方式战胜了米欧奇!”   “拳击!拳击!”白大拿喃喃自语道。   “很多人不是认为,我们UFC的拳手根本没有能力在拳台上和那些职业拳手比赛吗?不是有人说我们承受不了职业拳手的重拳,如果被击中肯定会被KO吗?我就是想问问他们,我这双拳头,职业

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  • dragon mma


    by 颜漂亮1
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    mma本身的魅力,他们太过于专注场外了,我们会展示出最大的诚意,让江槐加入我们,他会成为mma之王!”   接下来,库克对媒体透露,一旦江槐加入,将会给江槐8位数的出场费!   那边吵的欢,贾勒特赫德和江槐也没闲着,隔三差五的就在社交媒体上打嘴仗。   双方的比赛还是定在了纽约麦迪逊花园广场,毕竟是号称拳坛圣地的场馆,而且处于纽约,不管是关注度还是拳击氛围,都是最好的。   赛前新闻发布会

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  • dragon mma

    My Extraordinary Achievements

    by Chong2
    4.73 (1113 ratings)

    While Meng Fan told Damei Workshop he was going to the Chocolate Factory, Wu Ji and others were on a flight back to China. Initially, there were more than ten days of training scheduled at the MMA As

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  • dragon mma


    by 麦丞
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    杨依依走后,张小北一行人在旭龙酒店又住多了一个晚上。这样安排是想腾多点时间让西施学多一些现代的基本常识。   王昭君此前就曾教过项羽,这回有了经验,花了一天一夜基本了解了现代和古代的巨大差别。   离开旭龙酒店前,张小北想去和龙权升告别一下,毕竟人家口口声声说把他当贵宾,还塞了一千万给他,现在走了得交代一下。   刚好,他也收到了龙权升的电话。张小北的佛萨会员卡已经办好了,审核组的组

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  • dragon mma

    I Become Handsome After I Died

    by R18Scholar
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    "I don't want to practice MMA but tell me the lethal moves." James Lee then change his outfit into a boxing outfit and sparred with his coach. His coach started to show the most lethal movements in MM

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