
what is dystopia novel

  • dystopia like that!!!!! It ain't supposed to be fun! It's supposed to be dark! Dystopia is Greek for bad place! #It needs an elite group that enslaves the population! Okay you have that. #But wh

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  • what is dystopia


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  • what is dystopia

    Simp Soul

    by Ken_Chu
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    what you should have been able to. And one day, an opportunity comes. They don't believe that it could be you. Two Gods offered salvation. For the impending dystopia. Or is it?

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  • what is dystopia

    White Heaven

    by Breaker009
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    dystopia, an anomaly is causing the dead to rise again. A group must face these demons as well as his inner demons as he tries to survive day to day. But sometimes, the demons aren't the undead, but t

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  • what is dystopia


    by Lalazuli
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    dystopia full of hard choices, facing the ultimate question - what is meant to be human? - Alternative synopsis: Law enforcer MC finds out that the law isn't always right - especially when it comes

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  • what is dystopia

    Chronicles of the Masked

    by Shirly_Ni
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    is always something I can depend on to be a constant in my life. Well, a constant for the next seven years. Then I've got to graduate, work with teams, clients, and maybe whole companies. If I'm luck

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  • is the difference?'' asked Ye Qingya. ''There was a lot of difference. If you link me with the mobile, you can access everything just like connecting with the Wifi and when you disconnect the link

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  • what is dystopia


    by Mysticalgirl2003
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    is wrong. .... It's quiet. It's dark. Where is everyone. I'm scared. .... .... Wait... Who am I again.... Oh yes... I remember. My name is Dystopia I'm a war machine, I was c

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  • what is dystopia

    Ickapoo the lonely Alien, 2046

    by Chung Chin-Yi
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    is superior as an Alien. But his privilege must translate into care for the less privileged, who must in turn submit to his Authority rather than subvert, negate his Authority/ The Handmaid’s tale i

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  • what is dystopia

    New Earth- The Dungeon of Madness

    by nikostar
    3.98 (52 ratings)

    is about to start. They do not look like they are going to be able to hold on for much longer." A nervous guild representative said. Nine different guilds joined hands in this operation and out of the

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