I know some of their songs
This is a snapshot from a historical map of the world video. As you can see there are three main forces in the Mongolian land that are Khamag Mongol (Temuujin), Khereids (Wan Khan), Naiman (Tayan). In the northern part, there are the Sakha, Buryagts, and Oirats (Khalimag).
Tengeriin Uls: Population of 2 thousand and 600 soldiers.
History · Inkglass
The big lake is Baikal.
"Zorigt, we will go north till we reach the forest of Siberia, during our journey, we will enlist the scattered Mongol families as much as we can. If we gather more than 5000 people, we will not wait for spring to come. We will go west and settle to lake Baikal." instructed Dorj.
History · Inkglass
Lake Baikal (The deepest lake on the earth)
"Zorigt, we will go north till we reach the forest of Siberia, during our journey, we will enlist the scattered Mongol families as much as we can. If we gather more than 5000 people, we will not wait for spring to come. We will go west and settle to lake Baikal." instructed Dorj.
History · Inkglass
Tuvan cloth
Dorj wants to gather the scattered Mongolian families across the steppe to create his own settlement. That was the reason why Dorj headed north. There must be Sakha, Buryat, Khalimag, and Tuva ethnic people who later joined Mongolia still in the north scattered.
History · Inkglass
Khalimag Traditional cloth
Dorj wants to gather the scattered Mongolian families across the steppe to create his own settlement. That was the reason why Dorj headed north. There must be Sakha, Buryat, Khalimag, and Tuva ethnic people who later joined Mongolia still in the north scattered.
History · Inkglass
Buryat Traditional cloth
Dorj wants to gather the scattered Mongolian families across the steppe to create his own settlement. That was the reason why Dorj headed north. There must be Sakha, Buryat, Khalimag, and Tuva ethnic people who later joined Mongolia still in the north scattered.
History · Inkglass
The place where Dorj and his people settled. Pinned.
The migration to the north continued. Having a world map in his mind is a huge advantage. If he didn't have a map, then they would have lost much of their time, not knowing where to go. Dorj and his people followed the Shilka river basin and reached a place called Shilka in Modern Russia. The place is a beautiful river valley which can settle 2000 people with ease.
History · Inkglass
First of all, he needs to create smokeless Gunpowder in order to make bullets. The base chemical compounds he need to create the bullet propellants are mainly nitrate, glycerol, and cellulose. With those three compounds alone, he will be able to produce nitroglycerin and nitrocellulose needed for the bullet.
History · Inkglass
It will not be mentioned again. For the khereit people, Messenger of Tenger is similar to Angel.
Back to the 13th Century with an AI Chip
History · Inkglass