Webnovel Author: Lagaru - Novel Collection



male LV 4
2019-04-28 Joined Trinidad & Tobago

Badges 12

Moments 271

Replied to Alchemist_

After re-reading my earlier chapters, I just corrected that error and changed the metal rod to a sword.

"Oh, and if you're still doubting us..." As he spoke, he casually unsheathed his sword before striking the tree beside him.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru



"Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms[3], the legendary magic rumored to be capable of destroying Dragons. Initially, I thought I could finally seek payback from Little Red, but in the end, I almost died from just one of her strikes. To make things worse, she even ridiculed me by making me do the skeleton dance."

Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Fantasy · Angry Squirrel

Replied to Sir_duckus

Then I'm glad to tell you there's no need to worry😂

She looked at Lilia with pitiful eyes as she silently thought to herself, "You poor soul. I wonder what you did to deserve a demon such as that as your little brother. Wait… If she's considered a poor soul, what does that make me? After all, I fell in love with him…"

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to Daoist409278

I said this to another guy but I'm not sure how to say this. If the flirting is the problem, you could read up to chapter 13 and it would become less of a thing. by the end of the first volume, it would have completely disappeared.

"Oh, don't be like that Miss Chloe. If it also makes you feel better, I'm currently using you as another piece of eye candy." Lake spoke as he smiled mischievously.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to DarkSlayer

hmm, not sure how to say this, but it becomes better or less of a thing later on. After chapter 13 he doesn't really do much of the flirting stuff and completely cuts it out by the end of the first volume.

"I'm joking, joking. I would never dare to look at you like that. Please don't mind me and continue to drive, my glorious Female Officer Chloe."

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to I_Am_Death

To put it simply without too much spoilers, neither did she see him on a job, nor is she his disciple. What you take from that, is up to you.

Even Gwen, who had met the Shadow Lord, one of the few Martial Lords on the continent and the only assassin among them, wouldn't hold a candle when compared to Lake in terms of pure stealth technique and assassination skills.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to I_Am_Death

The Ambush Fangs are rank one creatures and are the one that give 10 RP each. The Lizardmen who are Rank Two give 100 RP each.

The upgrade only cost him five hundred RP points to complete and after his little massacre just now, he had already recovered all of it. 

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to I_Am_Death

long range in this case is fine, so long as it's a low number of enemies like one or two, he can kill them from a range before rushing up and grabbing the fate. if the number increases he'll naturally switch over to melee.

Finally, he used some of his points to purchase an enhanced compound bow. It had an empowering mana rune on it and was made out of a mix of metal and Rank Two monster bones and tendons. Although the bow required a strength index of around 8~10 to draw, the power it could unleash was enough to kill most of the weaker Rank Two monsters in one shot and heavily injure some of the stronger ones.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to I_Am_Death

martial apprentice - martial warrior - martial master - martial grandmaster - martial lord - martial king - martial emperor

Now, he could be considered a genuine martial artist with a fitness index comparable to a Low Rank Martial Warrior! In the future, if Lake were to use a combination of his skills and spellcasting, he felt that he could even fight head on with a Mid Rank Martial Warrior!

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to GED_VAN

think of it like being a ghost watching an event unfold from the third person but being limited to standing in one position. He can still look around, but he can not move.

Lake was paying full attention as he tried to analyze as much information as possible, hoping to learn something from watching the two hunters engage in combat against each other. After watching the two hunters fight for a while, Lake was beginning to get a small understanding of the two hunter's fighting style and strengths.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to Kingspence999

I don't want to reveal to much spoilers but I can say that there are a few Martial Kings and even fewer Martial Emperors.

However, the difficulty of surpassing the Martial Grandmaster Realm and taking the step into the Martial Lord Realm could be described as the difference between heaven and earth.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

Replied to Juan_3416

Martial Apprentice - Martial Warrior - Martial Master - Martial Grandmaster - Martial Lord - Martial King - Martial Emperor

However, the difficulty of surpassing the Martial Grandmaster Realm and taking the step into the Martial Lord Realm could be described as the difference between heaven and earth.

My Roleplay System

My Roleplay System

Fantasy · Lagaru

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