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Quit snooping around here. Who opens others profiles? STALKER!

2020-02-20 Joined United States

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Could have done her a solid at least

The woman, who many would attribute to being beautiful even with her lack of hair, was calmly focused on the book, making many think that it would be a book that spoke of spells that possessed unbridled mystical might.

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Welp as soon as she dies that system will be their downfall 😆

This system would be much more life-saving for them and enhance not only the number of sorcerers in the future but also their skills.

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Makes since considering this births Naruto, The first Hokage, the Sage of six paths and his sons thats huge events and characters. Compared to just stopping a war or even killing Akatsuki members

"I didn't plan on speaking to you again, though your actions will be quite dangerous for yourself, so I felt the need to stop you. The fate you are attempting to interfere with is engraved into the fabric of the universe that you are in, and only if you are able to either manipulate fate directly with the Time Stone, become a Principality who can transcend fate, or modify fate with powerful magic, your actions could cause your own destruction. While you can make changes to the world, any hostile actions will cause fate to actively attempt to destroy you. It will be up to you now."

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023

Replied to Elderdras

Ayo 😂

"Allow me to properly introduce myself, I am the Sorcerer Supreme of our would, tasked with guarding the people of our world from threats that come from other planes of existence. And it is due to this that I wish to create a force that shall aid me in this endeavor. I can promise all of you a home and protection if, in exchange, you aid me in the defense of our world. Do you agree?" Catherine asked at the end of her speech, the people looking at her with awe as they understood the level of importance she would hold in the world.

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Really hit us with the New destination unlocked

"Be ready tomorrow evening, since we don't have time to waste." Catherine said before heading into the portal to go back to Ryuchi Cave.

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Naruto: The Sorcerer Supreme

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023



Jiraiya, usually full of bravado and humor, was uncharacteristically quiet. He glanced at Tsunade, her blonde hair catching the last rays of sunlight, and took a deep breath. His heart pounded in his chest, and he knew that this moment, long postponed, could not be delayed any longer.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


I really hope she remains single cause god did the original naruto ruin every cool and strong Female. If she does end up with someone I hope it’s not another copy paste Jiriya

[AN: So, originally the story was suppose to end after a recap and four epilogue chapters. But, upon thinking, I figured 'Why not expand my story into when she becomes a Biological Mother, when she helps Naruto in his world, and her battles against Jigen and the Otsutsuki. So, rather than end, the novel will go on hiatus after the next few chapters. Thanks everyone for reading for so long.]

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


No he aged just like us except faster due to his cells constantly splitting

[AN: So, I just heard a theory that stated that while Hashirama died due to an illness, it was because he didn't disinfected his wounds after the battles and they simply healed over them, letting the bacteria and germs enter his bloodstream. Do you think it makes sense? It kinda does to me.]

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Give it a bit and civil war will be on repeat

Now, the Daimyo's mansion stood right beside the Hokage Tower, with it representing how the Daimyo is guarded by the Hokage, as well as the conjunction between the Military and the Economic leaders.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Because while it was showed everyone cared for him no one ever really did until it actually mattered and it was to late by then

His level of understanding Ninjutsu or Fuinjutsu stood at an unparalleled level, with Tsunade unable to understand how no one understood that in the original timeline.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Rushing to the end just to end it is never the way

The era of development commenced, with every force preparing for the inevitable war. And with that, 7 years passed.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Akari and Dan huh

"Yes. But Dan would probably try to possess me if I allowed you to get hurt during the battle." Kenta said with a smirk.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Kinda sad the author didn’t give Tsunade a unique summon

The smoke cleared to reveal one of the most dangerous summons none to the Shinobi World: Monkey King Enma.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Would hate to see Tsunade be downgraded to housewife like every female character in naruto

Being a parent was something he never though he would have the opportunity to experience, especially since he could never work up his courage for Tsunade yet he also wouldn't give any other woman the true time of day.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Smart yet dumb if Japan was any clue lol

Tsunade's last statement made everyone's eyes widen, as the implications of it would mean that Konoha would become the new central hub of the Land of Fire.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


Constantly playing the reaction game is never the way to go

So, Tsunade could only place her full focus on increasing the chances of increasing the Leaf's power, both politically and physically, and she could merely hope that the Village could withstand the changes that were to come.

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Naruto: The Strongest Senju

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023

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