

LV 14
2020-11-17 Joined Global
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2 months ago

Dang they didn't come up with my idea/story I commented last line.

"That I do not know. But all we can do right now is wait." Shirong replied.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

They probably going to come up with: The "spear" was wielded by a immortal chasing or chased by the beast, but the immortal didn't make it, the "spear" losing most of its abilities/being sealed. The immortal-level "spear" having sentience brings them to the shell of the beast wanting revenge.

"But why would it do that, young master?" Bei Wen questioned.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

"Just one"

"Seems like I'll have to be careful with the spear. I do not know if something like this will happen again, but there should be some logic behind it. Hmm, the most likely reason should be that the spear absorbed enough spirit qi and released one of the seals placed on it." Shirong muttered to himself.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago


"But fear not, Young master Beilao is also the one who will bring everyone justice. You see, during the initial ambush we were able to exchange a few blows with the beast and during this, the beast got a little injury. This was caused by none other than young master Beilao who used the armor shearing talisman." Shirong said and then withdrew something from his ring, showing it to everyone.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago


Then when we were running, I was able to get a glimpse at it… I couldn't get a grasp on its appearance it was something completely unlike I've ever seen or heard of. Its body was hidden in a veil of some kind and prevented us from seeing its true form.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

Maybe it's not a pseudo one.

'A pseudo immortal tool that actually adjusted its characteristics according to my needs… this is… simply marvelous. No other power has a pseudo immortal tool that is like this, I'm sure. From what I've read, no normal pseudo immortal tool can do something like this, as that would mean it could think for itself.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

Or... "it" is concentrating the radioactivity for one big boom.

"It saved us… IT SAVED US!" Ye Dai shouted in jubilation.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

"While in crystal form is radioactive" (or was said something similar to that) Guess the guy didn't check for radioactivity. Probably doesn't know what it is due to scientific progress being botched due to people focusing on Cultivation .

"Yes, Young Master Shirong. Although I cannot appraise this spear nor can I tell its origin, I can tell this for sure that it is a strong weapon. My spirit sense cannot penetrate it either. The weight of the weapon is very heavy, so much so that I have to use spirit qi to amplify my strength.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

Because he grows each time he does it. And in a spot too small it might hinder his growth.

"Let's try pausing around, I dunno how packed the soil is here. If there are some empty or less dense pockets, it should be easy to make enough room without me needed to push out the soil back out." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist

2 months ago

Just be careful of the underground lava pools.

"Oh stupid me, I can just dig down into the ground." Lin Wu muttered in a self-deprecating tone.

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Eastern · Grand_Void_Daoist