Webnovel Author: IHaveNoIdeas - Fanfic Collection



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2021-02-02 Joined Global

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Moments 128

Replied to MrStealYourOnahole

Exactly It's a FanFics, so just think of any inconsistencies as features! Kinda like bugs in games!

Warlock's all-that-stuff is also due to my blood-shake. I am pleasantly surprised to see that I mastered Merlin's Grimoire, since 'Successor' should mean that I have reached a level even he would approve of. Oh, I ended up noticing that I needed some Occlumency defenses against the old goat-fucker or snake-face, which took a few weeks to set up. Now, my mindscape is a 'simple' computer room where you need several biometric scans and passwords to access a dummy drive, while the real one is a USB drive hidden in the cushions of the armchair. I am a devious fuck, so I made it so that there is no oxygen whatsoever, along with several wards and runes that prevent magic and lock the intruder in place. I also made it so that you could spend a million years in there and only a second would have passed outside. I dare that old man to enter my mind, I will just reduce him to a vegetable.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to SuperZC_07

Cause I do. I find it relaxing when I am having a hard time doing something or just burnt out. I light one, open the windows in my room and spend a couple of minutes just chilling. Not healthy, that's for sure, but all humans have some way to relax.

Aah, times like these make me want to pick up smoking again… Never was a great smoker or a drinker, but they were great stress reliefs. Failed a test? Bang your head on the wall, then sit down, stare at the wall while smoking and drinking a beer! I swear that it makes you forget about your problems! Well, I did usually get drunk after only half a bottle, so I surely got a massive headache every time which allowed me to forget about the bad stuff.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Dana_Brew

Living a million years in complete darkness, starving, and alone breaks people Don't trust those that say 'oh, I've been in the void for a million years'

Warlock's all-that-stuff is also due to my blood-shake. I am pleasantly surprised to see that I mastered Merlin's Grimoire, since 'Successor' should mean that I have reached a level even he would approve of. Oh, I ended up noticing that I needed some Occlumency defenses against the old goat-fucker or snake-face, which took a few weeks to set up. Now, my mindscape is a 'simple' computer room where you need several biometric scans and passwords to access a dummy drive, while the real one is a USB drive hidden in the cushions of the armchair. I am a devious fuck, so I made it so that there is no oxygen whatsoever, along with several wards and runes that prevent magic and lock the intruder in place. I also made it so that you could spend a million years in there and only a second would have passed outside. I dare that old man to enter my mind, I will just reduce him to a vegetable.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Endless_Suffering

Wait, so if someone pops out of nowhere you think 'yay, magic, such wow!'? I don't know you, but I am actually studying physics and look at things quite rationally.

"I like facing situations rationally. I didn't study Physics for nothing. So? That pop-up was some kind of reincarnation thing, or did I just have to die?"

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Endless_Suffering

Not in harry potter. Well, their lifespan isn't actually clear

'Hm… It's not like I am against the idea, but it's way too early. I think I never actually considered Mother like a mother, but more like an elder sister or something… Doesn't change the fact that we are related, but who cares? I mean, she barely even has 20 years more than me, and both Vampires and Veela live almost double as much as humans, so it's like 10 years.'

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Reaper_X_7998

She's as crazy as a dog fucking a coconut while skateboarding.

Since I made sure to drink Bellatrix Lestrange's blood, I could now shapeshift into her. I must say… She was stacked. And thicc. Why do I say that? Because I transformed into her younger version, from before she went cuckoo, probably. Oh well, it will be useful for my goal.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas


You wouldn't feel the injuries, so you would risk dying without even realizing it. Sure, regeneration would make it hard, but not impossible.

I'm an idiot apparently, because I realized only after several hours that this must be my first maturation. Goddamnit, it isn't worth it at all! I tried using magic, but my Core didn't respond. Great. I ended up using Infinity on my Regeneration skills, which definitely helped me. I believe that it also improved my constitution, but I really don't care right now. I didn't want to empower my Pain Resistance in fear that it would evolve into Pain Nullification: that would be more detrimental than anything else.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Omnidoa

Yeah, something like 100 with extra credit

Slowly but surely, the second year ended as well. Nothing particularly interesting happened. I brought Mother to Paris for Christmas, but we mainly stayed at home. We had a terrace with a wonderful view on the Eiffel Tower, after all. My other Familiars all hatched from their eggs and were currently growing in their artificial habitats that I built for them. Regarding schoolwork, I once again obtained O+ in all subjects. I think that the Professors didn't even grade my exams and just gave me an O+ based on faith. I feel flattered!

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Omnidoa

He can make the digitized books a 'reality', effectively skipping the majority if not the entirety of the process.

I returned to Gringotts and talked with Viard. I will use Gringotts as a temporary reseller until I get a shop for myself. I gave them a starting amount of 1000 of each product, just to test the waters. The contract I signed makes it so the Goblins can't scam me, but I can't scam them, so I am not worried at all. I also got Skeeter to write an advertisement article about these new products and their genius 'inventor'. In the future, if I am in the mood, I will start digitizing books, newspapers, and music to make the phone and laptop more interesting to the general consumer. For now, I believe that the laptop is too redundant with the phone, but those stupid wizards will surely buy it for the novelty. Actually, I can just wait until the Muggles invent the web and pirate it. Or use Subjective Reality.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Omnidoa

A grade, like A, B, C or maybe you are familiar with 100, 90, 80... O+ wasn't canon, but it would be like 'above and beyond expectations' or maybe 'what the hell are you still doing in school'

Slowly but surely, the second year ended as well. Nothing particularly interesting happened. I brought Mother to Paris for Christmas, but we mainly stayed at home. We had a terrace with a wonderful view on the Eiffel Tower, after all. My other Familiars all hatched from their eggs and were currently growing in their artificial habitats that I built for them. Regarding schoolwork, I once again obtained O+ in all subjects. I think that the Professors didn't even grade my exams and just gave me an O+ based on faith. I feel flattered!

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Inplay

Shit, did I get it wrong? Ahem! I mean... Alternate Universe! Yeah, let's put it that way.

Soon enough, the firsties were led into the Hall by McGonagall and the Sorting Ceremony started. The only important people were Cedric Diggory, who I didn't care much about, and the Weasley twins. I think that it will be quite a fun year with them. I will have to show them that being a Slytherin doesn't mean we're all evil. Well, I am, but only to those I don't like. Hm… Well, Cedric can be degraded to an extra as I will surely take his place in the Triwizard Tournament. Unless… A nefarious plan started building itself in my mind. I will have to check whether I can do what I am planning or not. If I can, I will have a lot of fun.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Omnidoa

Well, my thought was that a Vampiric beast would have vampiric traits, like the thirst for blood, while the Blood beast would be able to gain benefits while not having a 'requirement'. I should have put an explanation of that.

"I think that the Blood Phoenix would be better. From the name, I have the inkling that the Vampiric Phoenix might require a lot of blood, so it's best if you take care of it."

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Omnidoa

A very bad stomach ache and vomit?

"Sorry, apparently I ate some garlic yesterday." I blatantly lied.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

Replied to Omnidoa

Yup, I know that some are not so keen on it, but some waifus are too good to pass up

As I guessed, not even ten minutes passed that someone started knocking on the door. I ignored it and the knocking stopped. They returned after a couple of minutes, so I guess that the train is full. I opened the door and found a group of girls. Harem situation? I'm not a fan, thank you. Ok, maybe, just not with anyone.

Subjective Reality

Subjective Reality

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoIdeas

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