Webnovel Author: Pandoras_Library - Fanfic Collection



female LV 1

Yuri is love, Yuri is life. I'm new to writing but chances are I'll only write yuri. Also might not be consistent with uploads, we'll see~

2021-02-22 Joined United States

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Moments 85

Replied to azrail_nailo_6

King ended up answering a lot of the questions so I won't answer them again, but I did just go over the wiki again since I'm thinking about trying to move forward with this story and I did notice a few little details that might say you're on to something. still, as far as we know for now, the quirk moves on to another host after being passed on. that said, with the way the original quirk is worded, it appears to have always meant to be passed on to multiple people at once. It's essentially the exact opposite of All for One (a little on the nose too) where one person has access to a stockpile of quirks. The quirk was supposed to transfer to someone else and absorb their quirk as well and possibly give both the previous and current users access to all assimilated quirks, basically creating something like a hivemind. My current theory is essentially the only reason the quirk can't be passed on the multiple people at the moment is the quirk AFO ended up giving his brother. the stockpiling quirk is basically making it impossible for multiple people to use the quirk without training since their bodies can't handle it. basically AFO's philosophy that only one person needs to be strong directly hindered the true potential of One for All. I'm actually fairly confident now that this will be the big twist at the end of the story. the stockpiling part will be taken and the true purpose of the quirk will be revealed. I will also point out two interesting details that I noticed, which is all the previous users of One For All died shortly after passing on the quirk with most of them passing it on while fighting or right before they fought AFO and died. And bakugo apparently still has a bit of the quirk inside of him from the movie which was confirmed in the current chapters of the manga. As for All Might, the quirk did in fact transfer from him, BUT, I think it's only the stockpiling part of the power that went away. So I think you're half right about that. we've seen him several times inside of OFA's consciousness so maybe he can still make use of the other stored quirks? In any case, this will be the theory I'm going to be working with for this story.

"That's right. As far as I'm aware, [One For All] can't be returned to a previous wielder. I'm not sure anyone has tried, but that was the feeling I got when I passed it on." Toshinori said after giving the matter some thought. Despite the strange state he was in when he gave it to the young lady, he was still fully conscious of his choices at that time.

Pokegirl In Another World

Pokegirl In Another World

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

Replied to azrail_nailo_6

discussing lore isn't really useless per se. at least I find some enjoyment in doing so. unfortunately, we don't actually know if she was any weaker after losing the quirk. we don't know how long after she passed it on nor how long she actually trained All Might before she died. my theory on the matter though is that all might, after his injury, could barely hold on to the quirk because his body wouldn't let him which is why his burnt out in less than a year since he was already on a few hour time limit. Nana on the other hand was perfectly healthy as far as we know and she wouldn't have needed to use 100% in every encounter. So my assumption is she could carry the embers (it's the analogy all might used btw) for a few years before they depleted. kind of like a gas tank with no way to refill it I suppose. After all, all the power is stored in the quirk. if they pass it on, it doesn't really make sense that they could keep drawing from that power. I mean, if they could, wouldn't it be smarter to just give OFA to a bunch of people at once? actually, it probably would be smarter to just do that since it seems they can hold on to the quirk for at least a few months anyway. hmm, something to think about. I wouldn't be surprised if that's how the manga ended, with deku giving the quirk to all his friends somehow to beat AFO.

"That's right. As far as I'm aware, [One For All] can't be returned to a previous wielder. I'm not sure anyone has tried, but that was the feeling I got when I passed it on." Toshinori said after giving the matter some thought. Despite the strange state he was in when he gave it to the young lady, he was still fully conscious of his choices at that time.

Pokegirl In Another World

Pokegirl In Another World

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

Replied to azrail_nailo_6

nah he said he'd explode trying to use it

"What if we trained the brat to be the next wielder? She's still at a malleable age, right? With enough guidance, she could make for a decent successor. Or at the very least a placeholder until we find a better one." Gran Torino offered after a moment of pondering. Although concerned, he didn't think the situation was as bad as they made it seem.

Pokegirl In Another World

Pokegirl In Another World

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

Replied to azrail_nailo_6

Not exactly, it's using the quirk without training that can potentially cause harm to a person, not just having it. That said, she is a pokegirl. they are uniquely suited to handling large amounts of power. Plus I never got around to mentioning it but she has also been experimented on to a degree and that will allow her to uniquely make use of OFA in a different way than just the standard "I'm super strong now" way.

"What if we trained the brat to be the next wielder? She's still at a malleable age, right? With enough guidance, she could make for a decent successor. Or at the very least a placeholder until we find a better one." Gran Torino offered after a moment of pondering. Although concerned, he didn't think the situation was as bad as they made it seem.

Pokegirl In Another World

Pokegirl In Another World

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

Replied to azrail_nailo_6

who all might? he doesn't, at least not anymore. he's fine for now just like in canon but he will slowly start to lose his powers over the next few years if he uses what he has left sparingly.

"That's right. As far as I'm aware, [One For All] can't be returned to a previous wielder. I'm not sure anyone has tried, but that was the feeling I got when I passed it on." Toshinori said after giving the matter some thought. Despite the strange state he was in when he gave it to the young lady, he was still fully conscious of his choices at that time.

Pokegirl In Another World

Pokegirl In Another World

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

Replied to Brokedepressed

what makes you say that? I don't think i've gotten to a point where it might be relevant yet

Quite frankly it was strong enough to be a quirk on its own for someone else, but for me, it was only a sub skill of a much greater one that my quirk allowed me to harness.

The Monkey Queen

The Monkey Queen

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

Replied to Alexia_Possible

I get all my pictures from Gelbooru a site you can search fanart.

Trailing further up only pausing slightly on her exposed collarbone, I couldn't help but to admire her beautiful heart shaped face. The full and luscious lips, small nose and thin eyebrows exuded a sense of regality that might only be matched by actual royalty. Most striking however had to be her emerald green eyes, long golden blonde hair and the long brown fur covered monkey tail that trailed lazily behind her. Her waist length hair had a wild and untamable design, something I could personally attest to, though it all came together to give her a sort of exotic if not primal aura.

The Monkey Queen

The Monkey Queen

Anime & Comics · Pandoras_Library

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