Webnovel Author: Silver_Wolf_Pack - Fanfic Collection



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2021-03-21 Joined Global

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Moments 9

Replied to xLucqs

I know what it is I am not dumb

Wolf just jumps as his hand turns into big trees. The wood lengthen at high speed and fork into many branches. One of the ends into sharp stakes, then the rest of them also turn into countless, sharp, spear-like piercing weapons. Z keeps smashing the wood and after 5 mins of technique and finally lands a arnament powered haki punch on cheek of Wolf making him go flying into multiple trees before he was able to stabilize himself. Wolf looks at Z then charges at him covering his fish with arnament haki and Thousand Brick Fist combination making Z look at wolf in shock. After all, you cannot simply learn fishman karate without a fishman teacher.( Haha, you shall never know). Z counters with a full-powered arnament punch causing a stalemate to happen between them for a few seconds before Z broke through. He punched Wolf in the gut causing his to eyes to widen making him spit a bit of blood and lose his consciousness. He almost got sent into the ocean but Z was able to grab before that happened. Z looks at his fist which is smoking from the clash and eyes widen when he saw his fist is bleeding a bit.

Wood Style in One Piece

Wood Style in One Piece

Anime & Comics · Silver_Wolf_Pack

Replied to Aklyf

I added it since if he has both Observational haki and Arnament Haki and I thought why not have Z and Garp have them.

Replied to Roy_De_Jong

he did but you can hurt if another logia type fruit has higher proficiency

Replied to Ryofu

fishman karate

GOD:" All that can be accepted but you will have A+ haki, swordsmanship and hasshoken so you will need a teacher to get better at it."

Wood Style in One Piece

Wood Style in One Piece

Anime & Comics · Silver_Wolf_Pack

Replied to Fenrir_zero

okay thank you i will change it

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