Ladre_9131 - Profile


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2022-02-08 Joined Global

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Replied to Haku_Ouroboros

This story is written like a Yuri/NTR. It stopped being polyamory when you wrote Rose as this manipulative chick trying to take everybody for herself. It went from being a polyamory to a Yuri harem that just has a guy in it and since everything is happening secretly behind his back without him being in the know it's full of NTR elements. this all started when you wrote about Rose trying to Mark and claim sherone for herself. which is obviously a clear betrayal in the relationship. Even after that since she couldn't Mark the others she used other methods to try to make the girls her own. so it is still NTR the only difference is it's Yuri NTR. this does not feel like a polyamory kind of relationship at all. I had to stop reading when it was about to happen to Asia. the only one I don't see this happening to is Sara because she isn't a part of the bond. I also don't think she is as easy to manipulate as the other girls are. The accurate tag for this story would be a polyamory start which turns into a Yuri/NTR later. the story was actually pretty good until all this NTR stuff started happening behind the MC back. I was already thinking that it was bad enough that his newest girlfriend is spying and reporting everything to his father which, okay cool. I expect the story to have surprising twists but the quality is going down with all this Yuri/NTR in the background because now it looks like the MC has changed people.

Replied to Wheeler4784

After reading these comments I see where everyone is coming from. To be honest when I started reading this after the situation with Drake I find it hard to continue the story as well. For me I recognize that it was not an NTR situation but it felt like the author wanted to rub the potential of a love interest in this guy's face and then completely break his spirit. Knowing that he is stuck on this ship and have to live with these people. So it felt more to me like he was going for emotional damage more so than specifically NTR even though the entire situation felt NTR ish which I'm sure the author is well aware of. After reading this part of the story I came to the understanding that the author may intend to write a story where the MC is humiliated by the people around him while he is weak and maybe when he gets stronger their attitudes may change but I've seen this trope so very often in Japanese literature that it's become kind of sickening at this point. Not saying that I expect the MC to be hardcore or badass from the start but I get tired of seeing male MCs come into these worlds and have zero self respect or completely going with the flow with everything that's done to them whether they like it or not. Also anyone that knows the Fate verse could tell by the author's choice of females to put around the MC that he was not going to be treated well and to have the only guy other than him on the ship bang the girl he was working his ass off to get right after showing up. Only to then not only have it rubbed in his face by the woman but he also had to endure the BRO pep talk from the guy that screwed him in the first place. I had to drop it after this point. The type of humiliation the author chooses for this guy will definitely make men uncomfortable. I don't know if the guy will eventually get laid but to me I don't think it's worth being treated like that just to maybe get some affection. I'm not just talking about Drake, I did read a bit more and the thing with Artemis is just pathetic. Any man that gets stronger like that will always be a BETA male no matter how strong he gets. Sorry for the rant.

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