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2023-01-30 Joined Global

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Oh So is that Russian book is it of the spin off or the main web story?

Why did it have a Russian translation of all things?? And rather than a proper spin-off, it was more of a 'what if'.

Reborn To Be The Imperial Consort [BL]

Reborn To Be The Imperial Consort [BL]

LGBT+ · BambooFirefly


Omg, did I miss something again? When did the MC tell them he has a past life? Do they understand what that means? Like i thought, they just assumed he could be very old but since when did he tell them he has a previous life? And why arent known of them asking about his previous life? Do they get what that means, bc if they do why do thye keep the MC says strange words. Like when he mentiond that poem or the word Christmas, he could have just said it was from his previous life but they always seem confused. Not only bc if the word but confused on what hes talking about, but if they already new hes from anotherworld and had a previous life how did they not connect the dots that those words are from his previous world and life? But if they didnt know he has a previous life and the MC just reveled it now then why arent they asking questions about it? Did I miss something?

Hajime said, "I don't know, but somehow we will be separated." He looked at the four people sitting in the cabin. "I lost control because the woman outside our cabin reminded me of someone I knew in a previous life. She paid people a lot of money to hurt me, so whenever I saw someone who acted familiar to her, I would suddenly become angry, but Yul is right. I must live for the present and not the past, because the past can't be changed. So, I'm sorry, I didn't think before calling my wolf, I didn't realize that my sudden impulsive decision put everyone's life is at risk."

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul


Wait, but i thought he wasnt cursed. 😭 I am still so confused. I was his second chance of life and once he succeeds witht he misssion he will get one wish. Is that not an option anymore? Bc he can wish for anything expect unliited wishes. Im so confused, does he not have to do that mission anymore, since when does he have to lift the curse? If he does, doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of having wishes and a second life? The Godess told him this is his second chance but if he dies hen how will his wish be granted? I get he needs to save ppl but if he finds love and dies how will he make a wish? If he wishes to not die in that moemnt or go to another body does that count? I dont get if hes gonna die then does he not get a wish? I just feel its contridicting. Idk, Im just confused on how he is still cursed. I get hes inside the body of that guy but didnt the guy give hus soul to the fox and the goddess knows its not him she curse. As i said what was the point of the wish if hes gonn die? Like if he wishes to be with the one he loves until they both die of ild age or wish to go to another body or to not die in that moment does it count as a wish? It just feels contridicting. Bc if those wishes dont count then what was the point if hes gonna die. I get he needs to save ppl but the point was also for him to have a second life and to “not give up” but if hes just gonna die then how will his wish be granted? I dont get it, i feel i misunderstood something so can someone pls explain to me.

Hajime said, "To lift the curse off me, only someone who truly loves me can break that curse, but if I love that person to the same degree, my time with that person will be short."

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul


Just to get a better picture, is the river a in the shape of a circle or just a line? Bc if the river is basically a straight line then can’t they go around the river or just leave the kingdom from the back?

Chief Keme said, "Seven days. After the seventh day, the river will flow from west to east. During these seven days, we can only wait for the mages to finish their work."

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul


Sukh is so rude and uncaring. 😭 I understand that Sukh thinks its important to follow the rules and etc but he doesnt relize how much hes hurting the perosn he claims go love deeply. Hes just a hypocrite and the king is also selfish. The king cares more about Sukh then the ppl of his Country but Sukh is doing the same. He cares more about what other ppl think, doesnt care about emotions just rules and assumes what is best for the King without even asking what the King actually wants. The both are flawed bc he cares more bout the relationship then the ppl while the other thinks he knows whats better for the king whole ignoring his emotions and thinks rules are more important then actual happieness. He doesn’t realize that by “helping” the king hes making the kings life misrable and unhappy, Sukh is forgetting that rules are important but without happiness whats the point of living. He doesnt seem to put effort in the relationship and only does what he thinks is the “best” for the king instead of asking him and finding a solution together. I get that Sukh loves the king but if hes never puts in effort in the relationship and never shows it, hes just going to make the person he “loves” misrable and turn him into a Cruel King. There needs to be more of balance for both of them, I think even if the king cared more about the ppl of the country Sukh would still be rude and act uncarring and never show the king love. I feel like if Sukh were to show more emotions and more love he could have married the king and help the king make better decisions or at least sty by him and help, instead he just avoids him and does whatever he wants and makes decisions for the king without taking into account the kings feelings and by doing that hes not helping the King, it just feels like hes abandoning him. If he took into account the Kings feeling and actually acted like he understood the king maybe the king would have been a little more happy and do what Sukh asked him as long as Sukh didnt avoid him.

Sukh doesn't like the way Haneul talks to him; he knows that Haneul must be on the verge of breaking down by now. He sighed and put down his chopsticks. "Right now, it's not a good time for us to talk or meet because your heart is not at ease. Let's talk when you can better control your emotions," he said.

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul

Replied to UndyingSoul

Okay, I’ll continue to read to find out. I’m loving the story. [img=recommend]

His mother starved to death because of this so-called Goddess of Beauty. Everything is the fault of this Goddess of Beauty. The boy glared at the goddess of beauty bitterly and spat at her. The stupid goddess cursed the boy in anger, that when someone loved him deeply and the curse was broken, he would die within two days, but until then, he would remain immortal. He told himself that he will defeat heaven, so when a Fox Fairy inadvertently broke into his cave, he offered his immortal soul to the Fox Fairy to devour, allowing her to evolve to the next stage." Hajime sighed as he finished telling Yul the other person's story.

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul


Okay I’m a little confused. 😭 Okay, so what is the curse exactly. The curse is that only the girls get to live in the family while the boys die? Second, I know Hajime is a soul from another world from my understanding. But I’m confused why he wants to break the curse? I’m just confused on what the curse does. Like if the curse is just him being immoral then it’s not so bad I guess? Also, what does hajime get out of breaking the curse? Like, once he breaks it he just dies two days later, right? If he does get something out of it but it’s a spoiler then you don’t have to tell me but I just want to know if once the curse breaks he will die or not. He’s not even the original owner of the body, im also confused on whether in what will happen after the curse breaks, like does it say he will 100% die after the curse is broken or does it not count any more after he gave his soul to the fox. Bc in the story, he mentions towards the end that the boy then gives his soul to the fox etc. So by the boy giving his soul to the fox, he became more powerful? I’m basically confused on what the curse does and limits him to do, im also confused on why it’s important for him to break the curse when the curse doesn’t do any harm to him and he’ll just die once the curse is broken.

His mother starved to death because of this so-called Goddess of Beauty. Everything is the fault of this Goddess of Beauty. The boy glared at the goddess of beauty bitterly and spat at her. The stupid goddess cursed the boy in anger, that when someone loved him deeply and the curse was broken, he would die within two days, but until then, he would remain immortal. He told himself that he will defeat heaven, so when a Fox Fairy inadvertently broke into his cave, he offered his immortal soul to the Fox Fairy to devour, allowing her to evolve to the next stage." Hajime sighed as he finished telling Yul the other person's story.

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul


I’m kinda confused, is Hajime and old women or a man, because there are times in the story where male pronouns are used when mentioning Hajime. So can someone tell me is Hajime an okder women or a man?

"We're leaving tomorrow," Hajime said, turning to Yul. "Walk me back to your house. My back hurts." He stopped after taking ten steps. He turned to Yul. "My dear, you are a young and strong man. Why don't you carry me home."

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

Beginning Beyond The Horizon

LGBT+ · UndyingSoul



Ocean - Battle Against St. Reece's Part 1

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

A Wave Of Desire (BL)

LGBT+ · Deni_Chance

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