Webnovel Author: Peke_Peke - Fanfic Collection



male LV 1

I 'm just some guy tryna fix the abominations that are mlt translations, and maybe write some stuff.

2023-03-26 Joined Global

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Moments 21

Replied to Ryantrix

he can end the quest whenever but if the achievement rate is lower then 20% when he does he fails and gets nothing. did you even read the paragraph?

Note: Your achievement rate may not be fixed. Your achievement rate may drop. You may also choose to finish the quest at any time. If your achievement rate is less than 20%, you will fail the quest. If your achievement rate is higher than 20%, you will be rewarded based on your achievement tier.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia

Replied to Sweetshi_1211

I don't think so... wasn't he in his capsule when he woke up in the game?

From the moment that he was created, he knew that he had a predecessor. This fact alone caused him to identify Han Xiao as an enemy. However, just when he thought that he had surpassed Han Xiao, reality hit him like a truck.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia

Replied to Deadpool22_1

the experiment failed, the test subject died and the mc took over his body bringing it back to life but not enhancing it that's why some scientists in the room shouted that the test subject came back to life

"We think that the Valkyrie experiment triggered a change within his body—a change greater than we could have imagined. It did not just unlock his talent for machinery; what it did was enhance his intelligence. We think that he has been planning his escape from the very start!"

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia



Although the agent's expression was covered by his goggles, his painful scream was telling of the blow's effectiveness. Han Xiao took advantage of his temporary immobility to knee him again and again.

The Legendary Mechanic

The Legendary Mechanic

Games · Qi Peijia


Go to the end to read the TLDR if you don't want to read the longer version. WQ: Ok the writing quality is decent, sometimes words are missing and he repeats paragraphs at least once a chapter. Its still readable so 4 stars. SOU: He updates frequently so 5 stars. SD: Ok the story cool and all not really much of a story since y'know the whole thing is smut, but the problem is that after he fucks a bunch of people, the world changes and OTHER men can do what the mc can, they don't have the ability to say things and people listen but they can just bend a women over and fuck her brains out whenever, mc also has gangbangs with these random strangers which was just.... no ew, the mc doesn't feel special anymore so yeah... 3 stars would of been 2 but at least he doesn't frequent the same women after they have been screwed by someone else CD: So the mc is just some generic office worker, he has that average mc personality so nothing to say here, 4 stars because his personality isn't infuriating and he also had no reason to have a special personality so Ill let it slide WB: Its just earth but he can do whatever he wants, again my problem is that anyone can screw anyone, anywhere with no repercussions, again they don't have the mc's ability to just walk into a bank and tell them to give him all their money and they will comply and the cops wont do anything. So 4 stars. TLDR: Ok writing quality, Good Updates, Mc isn't special for any man can screw anyone when they feel like it, Generic mc and everyone feels like a robot but that's probably a side effect of the mc's ability to have absolute control over anyone, The world background is fine I guess its just earth but anyone can do anything sex related to anyone, but the mc can do anything and when I say anything I mean anything, asking for money from a bank they will give it to him, ask to become the owner of NASA? They will give it to him. Hope this helped someone this review is really long most people probably just skipped it lol.

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