Webnovel Author: ThaiHonor - Novel Collection



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2023-12-10 Joined United States

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Astaruin, human form


Astaruin then sensing something pure coming from Kal, shrank, changing form to become a beautiful woman, with long blue hair the same color as that sky and shimmers that ran through her long hair like the stars ran through the sky, her eyes held a blue that flowed like the same sea that Kal was now above. Kal was amazed by the beauty of that being.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Astaruin, great Dragon of Stars


And opening its enormous wings, the dragon rose into the air and before the light that increased its brilliance said with an imposing voice "I am Astaruin, guardian of the stars and protector of dreams, and you are in my spiritual sanctuary!". However, Astaruin noticed that Kal remained unmoved before her.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Venum, captain of the Alligator


Adonis asked the old Catoni who he was, as it was the first time he saw this person there. Catoni answered: "That's Venum, captain of the Alligator. It's a big slave ship that docks at Golden Port once a year, bringing slaves from all over the world for the Duke himself."

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Nia, family watcher


Finally, Aura took them to the stables, where several animals were kept, and they were warmly received by Nia, a large white dog with black marks on her ears. Nia ran to meet Aura, knocking her to the ground in an effusive greeting. "Easy, Nia! Let's introduce our visitors," said Aura as she got up, laughing. Introducing the dog to the group, she explained: "This is Nia, she helps protect our animals from predators." Charmed, everyone pet the dog, appreciating the warm friendship of the animal.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Ionna, patriot commander


As she reflected, the door to her room opened softly. It was Ionna, a young newly appointed commander of Volkaron's armies, who, despite her position and usually unshakeable posture, now showed visible concern. "Princess, I know I should not be here at this time, but I could not stand aside. All who truly know you are aware you would never be capable of such an act," said Ionna, her firm voice contrasting with the softness of her words.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Adonis, Golden eyes mage


Finally, the young man stood up to introduce himself. With a confident and serene posture, he began speaking about his role in the house. "I am Adonis, I am 26 years old and I am responsible for everyone here in the absence of Master Hadon." Yorion, always ready to add a comment, whispered a reminder, "Don't forget brother Set!" But Adonis remained undisturbed and continued, concluding with a warm greeting: "Welcome friends, to Master Hadon's house, home of the seeds of kings!"

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Markel, the strong silent


The next to introduce himself was a serious-looking young man who was a bit quiet, he had darker skin than the others, silver hair, and dark brown eyes. "My name is Markel, I'm 21 years old, I'm the cook here." After Markel's introduction, the household's cook, whose shyness and brevity in speaking contrasted with some of the other members' outgoingness, a beautiful young woman with black hair and golden eyes like Kal's spoke up.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Sahara, untouchable pearl


Immediately after Yorion, an impressively beautiful woman stood up to introduce herself. With skin as fair as the whitest wool, long black hair that sparkled, and dark golden eyes, she had a presence that captured everyone's attention. "I am Sahara, my age doesn't matter. I'm responsible for the plants and also take care of cleaning, besides being a great dancer, believe it!" she said with a look of seriousness but also calmness before sitting back down and allowing the next person to introduce themselves.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Yorion, the bard


One by one, the members of Hadon's house stood up to introduce themselves. Yorion was the first to stand up again. "I'm Yorion, I'm 24 years old and I'm responsible for surveilling the mansion and taking care of the fishing, plus I'm the handsome bard of the bunch," he said with an outgoing smile before sitting back down.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Spartan, Sworn sword of Yorion and guardian of the kings' rest


"In respect of my lord's eyes, we shall have an honorable duel!" Knight's voice resonated clear and powerful in Kal's mind, without the previous hesitations or slowness. "I am Spartan, sworn sword of Yorion and guardian of the kings' rest." He established the context of his sacred duty and his connection to the ancient traditions and laws of the kings of Tenai.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


The Rest of Kings crypt


Upon entering the newly discovered space, Kal was immediately touched by the solemnity of the environment. Before him, lined with majesty, were several statues of past kings, each carved with meticulous details that captured the essence of their reign and power. Beyond the statues, imposing coffins lined the hall, suggesting that this place was not merely a forgotten chamber but rather a mausoleum intended to honor and preserve the mortal remains of the ancient kings of Tenai.

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor


Great Palace of Aquarion


At the gates of the Great Palace of Aquarion, Kal and Tiberius go in until they arrive before a great door. Then Tiberius says:

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor



"That is the Cathedral of the Eternal Fountain, the dwelling of the 3 divine priests."

Primordial Entity born as a human

Primordial Entity born as a human

Fantasy · ThaiHonor

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