I do the thing is you can never make everone happy and you should not try. This is your story and your creativity no one has the right to tell you how you create it. It’ best to just ignore those comments they just want what they want. Not caring what plans you have for the story. So just do you and focus on what you want.
(These comments I get man. They are why I wanna stop writing this. It's the only reason. If you don't like the book, leave. I don't need or want you here.)
Games · N3wman
This is a repost of the chaper you never added the correct one ch.108 and 107 are ghe same
The Crowd around the arena was large as I moved through it. I knew that Francis was looking forward to another fight, but my head was seething in anger. I was hoping for some good subordinates that I could control moving forward. Barring that, I was expecting some spies from my siblings.
Fantasy · Madjic
I get the missing out on some major plot points with him being a spartain 3. But Spartain 3s always I think we’re not given a good enough highlight or use. Heck you can make him something like a exsperimental program before the Spartain 3 program like a between the S2-3 programs that ONI did on the side and make him special that way. And still give him all the advantages of a S2. Just a thought S3s will always be to me the miss used and under appreciated Spartain program.
There were also some things I in retrospect should change such as the opening 8ish chapters being super slow and more or less being exposition dumps. The system (yeah I still fucking hate it) being included when it really wasn't that needed. The fact I included a "reincarnation" so as to give him prior knowledge of the events but didn't/couldn't really use it nor capitalize on it.
Halo: Be Human
Video Games · MEMES_R_gud