Adrian Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 685 results

  • adrian


  • Omega Summoner

    Omega Summoner



    In the year 2077, the first FIVR Game or Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Game, Pandemonium, has been created. Pandemonium which is the first ever fully immersive virtual reality game made in human history. In the universe of Pandemonium, Fantasy meets science. Where order is chaos and chaos is order. A universe of endless possibilities in which anyone can become the invincible hero fighting against the forces of darkness or a sage which dives into the abyss of magic and so much more. In Pandemonium, the inhabitants comes in all shapes and sizes. Adrian, our main character, who experienced an accident that caused him to be temporary limp used the game as a way for therapy but mainly to experience the new world of virtual reality. He will experience countless adventures and challenges and rise to be the most influential person in this new reality. Join our Protagonist on his new adventure to become the strongest. The cover is made thanks to all who supported my novel. Thank you!

  • Meu Ex Marido Quer Voltar Comigo Após 3 Anos de Divórcio

    Meu Ex Marido Quer Voltar Comigo Após 3 Anos de Divórcio



    Conheça Erika Walters, uma mulher que abandonou sua família rica e estilo de vida caro, escondeu sua identidade só para se casar com o homem que amava. Um homem que sua família a alertou para não correr atrás se ela não quisesse ter o coração partido. Ignorando sua família, Erika se casou com Adrian Hart. Adrian era contra o casamento, pelo fato de nunca ter tido sentimentos por Erika. No entanto, os dois se uniram por causa da matriarca da família Hart, a vovó Elizabeth. O casamento deveria ser uma jornada doce para uma mulher que acabou de ser aceita por sua família, mas o de Erika foi o oposto. Ser tratada como criada não era um dos papéis de uma mulher casada. Todos os seus sogros a tratavam como sujeira. Seu marido continuamente a traía com sua amante, Felicia Evans, a quem sua avó sempre desprezou. Depois de testemunhar seu marido fazendo sexo com sua amante em sua cama matrimonial, Erika não aguentava mais a tortura. Ela tinha atingido seu limite de resistência. Ela não podia permitir que seu coração continuasse sendo brincado como se fosse algum brinquedo. Erika pegou os papéis de divórcio, assinou seu nome e saiu da Mansão Hart com a promessa de que voltaria e faria com que perdessem tudo pelo que já haviam trabalhado muito. Amor? Ela tem três irmãos mais velhos que a adoram. Erika voltou para sua família e começou a tramar contra seus ex-sogros até que encontrou Ethan, seu amigo de infância com quem se esbarrou anos atrás. **** Excerto “Você realmente é uma vagabunda”, Adrian cuspiu em desgosto. Erika olhou para ele calmamente. “Na última vez que chequei, Sr. Hart. Nós não somos mais parentes, então por que te incomoda se eu sou uma vagabunda ou não?” Ela o questionou friamente. “Já que você tem um bom olho para identificar quem é uma vagabunda, por que ainda não descobriu a principal vagabunda da sua família?” Ela o questionou de volta. **** Erika conseguirá se vingar com sucesso? Como Adrian reagirá ao ver que ela seguiu em frente? Adrian e Felicia terão um final feliz? Erika sentirá algum arrependimento depois de se vingar? Haverá mais segredos que ela descobrirá em sua jornada de vingança? Descubra mais clicando no livro; Meu Ex Marido Me Quer De Volta Depois De 3 Anos De Divórcio **** Olá pessoal Este é o meu primeiro livro Ainda sou novata Então, espero que vocês gostem deste livro Mas não se esqueçam de me dar seu apoio e incentivo Obrigada

  • Villain Simulator

    Villain Simulator



    This is the story of Leo, a writer of fantasy web novels, who, while getting drunk one night, was suddenly transmigrated into his own work of fiction: "Descent of Nexus World on Earth" And that too in the body of Adrian Vaiself, the son of a billionaire who was also the most trashy character in the book and was destined to die at the hands of the main character. In this new world, a VMMORPG game has become a reality. Monsters, dungeons, and humans with super-powers. Everything exists in this new world. However, as the creator of this world, Leo knew that this world was a much more dangerous place than it appeared to be. Because this world was moving towards its impending doom. Now he not only had to save his life from the protagonist, but also from the doom that awaits him and everyone else at the end. Nonetheless, he was determined to do everything it takes to survive. And right when he makes this decision, his Golden-finger shows up. [You have met the requirements] [Activating Villain Simulator…] "Wait! What's this Villain Simulator?" "Traveling into different worlds of novels converted into reality as the villain and completing the missions of destroying the protagonist in the most miserable way?" "Getting rewards based on performance and becoming stronger in real life?" Are you actually serious? This... "This is awesome... Woahhh!" Join our Leo, now Adrian Vaiself, in his epic journey as he grows stronger and struggles to survive in this new world while traveling to multiple worlds and completing missions. =================== [Points to Remember Before Reading:] * The worlds he would travel to would not take up much space from the original world. * The story would still revolve around the main world. * In this novel, there will be 18+ scenes in some chapters, but nothing that would take away the fun of the story. =================== Join me on, Discord:

  • Mi exmarido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio

    Mi exmarido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio



    —Conozcan a Erika Walters, una mujer que dejó su adinerada familia y un estilo de vida lujoso, escondió su identidad solo para casarse con el único hombre que amaba. Un hombre a quien su familia le advirtió que no persiguiera si no quería sufrir un desengaño amoroso. Haciendo oídos sordos a su familia, Erika se casó con Adrian Hart. —Adrain estaba en contra del matrimonio debido a que nunca tuvo sentimientos por Erika. Sin embargo, los dos terminaron juntos debido a la Matriarca de la familia Hart. Abuela Elizabeth. —Se supone que un matrimonio debe ser un dulce viaje para una mujer que acaba de ser aceptada por su familia política, pero el de Erika fue todo lo contrario. Ser tratada como una sirvienta no era uno de los roles de una mujer casada. Todos sus parientes políticos la trataban como a tierra. Su marido continuamente le era infiel con su amante, Felicia Evans, a quien su abuela siempre había despreciado. —Después de presenciar a su esposo teniendo relaciones sexuales con su amante en la cama conyugal, Erika no pudo soportar más la tortura. Alcanzó su límite de resistencia. No podía permitir que continuaran jugando con su corazón como si fuera algún juguete. —Erika tomó los papeles de divorcio, firmó su nombre y dejó la mansión Hart con la promesa de que volvería y los haría perder todo por lo que habían trabajado duro en conseguir. —¿Amor? Ella tiene tres hermanos mayores que la adoran. —Erika volvió a su familia y comenzó a tramar su venganza contra sus ex parientes políticos hasta que se encontró con Ethan, su amigo de la infancia con quien se había encontrado hace años. —Extracto —Realmente eres una zorra —Adrian escupió con asco—. Erika lo miró tranquilamente. —La última vez que revisé, Sr. Hart, ya no estamos relacionados. Así que, ¿por qué le molesta si soy una zorra o no? —Le preguntó fríamente—. Ya que tienes un buen ojo para identificar quién es una zorra, ¿por qué aún no has descubierto a la principal zorra en tu familia? —Le devolvió la pregunta. —¿Logrará Erika su venganza con éxito? ¿Cómo reaccionará Adrain cuando vea que ella ha seguido adelante? ¿Tendrán Adrain y Felicia un final feliz? ¿Sentirá Erika algún remordimiento después de obtener su venganza? ¿Habrá más secretos que descubrirá en su camino hacia la venganza? —Descubre más haciendo clic en el libro: «Mi ex marido me quiere de vuelta después de 3 años de divorcio». —Hola chicos. Este es mi primer libro. Aún soy nueva en esto. Así que espero que disfruten este libro. Pero no olviden darme su apoyo y aliento. Gracias."

  • Reincarnated as Napoleon

    Reincarnated as Napoleon



    In an unfortunate twist of fate, Adrian, a man from the 21st century, is accidentally killed by the Goddess of Fate. As recompense for her mistake, she grants Adrian a second chance at life in an alternate world. Upon awakening, Adrian is startled to find himself surrounded by a setting reminiscent of eighteenth-century Europe. It quickly becomes apparent to him that he has been reincarnated as none other than Napoleon Bonaparte, the indomitable figure who once ruled over Europe for two tumultuous decades. Disclaimer: This work of fiction explores a speculative narrative in which the protagonist is reborn as Napoleon Bonaparte and embarks on a journey to power, encountering both historical and fictional characters. While the story draws inspiration from the life and historical context of Napoleon Bonaparte, it is important to note that the events, interactions, and outcomes portrayed in this work are entirely fictional and should not be interpreted as a reflection of real historical events.

  • Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!

    Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!


    The Zhekova family's young master approached Cindy Clarke with an old phone and said, "You dropped this five years ago, and I picked it up. Do you still deny it?" Five years ago, she was set up and got pregnant. Cindy Clarke never imagined that the father of her son would turn out to be the Prince Charming that the entire nation loved. She had a weak father, a scheming mother, and a sister plotting to harm her? None of that mattered! Adrian Zhekova said, "Whatever they want, I'll give it all to you. Let them be jealous." If her opponents slandered Cindy Clarke? Adrian Zhekova said, "I'll shut down their account." Don't like it? Endure it! Morgan Clarke said, "Sob, sob... Arthur Woods says I'm an illegitimate child without a dad." After the Woods family went bankrupt, Adrian Zhekova turned to Cindy Clarke and asked, "When are you going to make us official?" Cindy Clarke replied, "Since I met you, it's been like having a cheat code. Everything goes my way." Adrian Zhekova replied, "That's right, I'm that cheat code."

  • My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce

    My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce



    Meet Erika Walters, a woman who left her wealthy family and expensive lifestyle, hid her identity just to marry the one man that she loves. A man whom her family had warned her not to chase if she doesn’t want to be heartbroken. Turning a deaf ear towards her family, Erika married Adrian Hart. Adrain was against the marriage due to the fact that he never had feelings for Erika. However, the both of them got together because of the Matriarch of the Hart family. Grandma Elizabeth. A marriage was supposed to be a sweet journey for a woman who had just been accepted by her in laws but Erika’s was the opposite. Being treated as a servant wasn’t one of the roles of a married woman. Her in laws all treated her like dirt. Her husband continuously cheated on her with his lover, Felicia Evans whom his grandmother had always looked down on. After witnessing her husband having sexual intercourse with his lover in their matrimonial bed, Erika couldn’t take the torture anymore. She has reached her limit of endurance. She couldn’t let her heart to be continuously played with as if it was some toy. Erika reached out for the divorce papers, signed her name and left the Hart mansion with a promise that she would come back and make them loose everything they had ever worked hard for. Love? She has three elder brothers who dote on her. Erika went back to her family and started her plot against her ex in laws until she met Ethan, her childhood friend whom she had bumped into years ago. **** Excerpt “You really are a slut”, Adrian spat in disgust. Erika calmly looked at him. “The last time I checked, Mr Hart. We are not longer related so why is it such a bother to you if am a slut or not?” She coldly questioned him. “Since you have such a good eye at identifying who is a slut, why haven’t you figured out the main slut in your family yet?” She questioned him back. **** Will Erika successfully get her revenge? How will Adrain react when he sees that she has moved on? Will Adrain and Felicia have a happy ending? Will Erika feel any regret after getting her revenge? Will there be more secrets that she will discover on her journey of revenge? Find out more by clicking the book; My Ex Husband Wants Me Back After 3 Years Of Divorce **** Hi guys This is my first book Am still a newbie So I hope you will enjoy this book But don’t forget to give me your support and encouragement Thank you

  • World's Strongest Duke Regresses To Conquer The World!!

    World's Strongest Duke Regresses To Conquer The World!!



    Adrian Blaze, who had received the title of god of war, was betrayed by his own race. Betrayed by his own friend and the world, he was on his last breath when his two weapons, the trident of destruction Demios and the divine sword Yuriel starts revolving around him as he dies. But when he opened his eyes he had regressed to his 12 year old self. "hahaha" Adrian laughed as a devious smile appeared on his face "O you great 7 empires, who betrayed me and collaborated with the demons. The world shall see what happens when the world's strongest warrior turns into your foe" Adrian walked towards the wooden door and opened it as his word resounded "Lets begin my revenge!!" Now witness the journey of the betrayed hero who shall conquer the world and Go against even the gods if it means achieving his goals. Author's Note------------- if you decide to read this then please don't drop before chapter 34 as I am also improving my writing and it can be a bit slow paced in the start but please cut me a slack. now if you have any suggestions about anything you want to see ahead in the novel you can comment. I will make sure to read them. now the schedule will be - 2 chapter releases on every sunday and i will release bonus chapters according to the support from the viewers. i will update here or in the chapter's beginning if there is any news to pass on. have a good time. ^..^

  • Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

    Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent



    In order to be loved, she changed her whole personality, but all she got in return was a cold husband and her unrequited feelings. Now that she lost her memories and went back to her old self, she's determined to never love again. She wouldn't let anyone trample on her anymore. But then, why is her husband coming back around again - turning over a new leaf and wanting to take her back so desperately? "You should know well by now, my beloved wife. Didn't you change yourself for love...?" he muttered vehemently, voice low and smoky. His unwavering eyes are blazing with passion and a deep sense of endearment that she'd never seen before. This isn't her husband at all - instead of cold, his gaze appears to be on fire. "The same goes for me... So, love me, love me not - you're going to take responsibility." --- Impassive, strait-laced, stiff and very compliant - that's how everyone sees Cassidy Eleanor. She's an underdog wife who's desperate to gain her husband's affection and would even sacrifice her own freedom. Coming from an unknown background, she was neglected by her spouse, persecuted by his family, and misjudged in her workplace. That's all until it came to a point when she already had enough. In an effort to flee from the clutches of a loveless marriage and all the obligations that were forced on her, she got herself a ticket and boarded a plane. Little did she know that a bombing incident would ultimately ruin her plan to start anew. Then, before she knew it, she woke up to find herself with a type of amnesia that caused her to forget everything that happened to her when she's past the age of eighteen-years-old. To be exact, Cassidy had gone back to her old self - right before she met her husband, Adrian Millicent. --- Cold, distant, steely and iron-willed - that's how everyone sees the owner of the country's richest conglomerate. Adrian is known to be a prodigious figure in a variety of fields and commerce, a prestigious individual with billions of assets, and a man of outstanding achievements overall. He used to be the most-sought-after bachelor of the country, but only to get in an arranged marriage by his grandparent - with a woman of unknown origin, to boot. He really couldn't care less, though. After all, he never needed love to begin with. That's all until Adrian found this reserved and amenable wife of his acting like a wild and boisterous teenage girl one day. -- WFP #23 Gold Tier Winner -- [Warning: Mature Content] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the original artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

  • Chimaera's Conquest: The Legend Of The Devourer

    Chimaera's Conquest: The Legend Of The Devourer


    WSA 2024 entry Synopsis: In the not-so-distant future, a group of Earthlings find themselves mysteriously transported to the Nexus Realm, a fantastical world besieged by monstrous creatures. With no way out of the craziness, they reluctantly joined forces with the realm's inhabitants to combat the constant threat of these otherworldly beasts. To defend the Nexus or Nexaria, powers were bestowed upon them with the promise of returning home after successfully repelling the monsters dangling before them like a carrot. Years passed, and the initial camaraderie between the heroes slowly began to crumble. Still, the Protagonist, Adrian Fenrir, with his power known as Analysis, played a crucial role in understanding the monsters' patterns and weaknesses. However, as the group became more adept at handling the threats, they grew increasingly independent and, perhaps, arrogant. One day, due to a series of mishaps, Adrian found himself surrounded by assassins. He tried his best to drive them off but failed and met a bitter end. It didn't take long for the assassins to do their work, and as per the contractor's request, they decided to dispose of Adrian's corpse by selling it to a mad scientist known for his experiments with creatures from the Nexaria. In need of a fresh subject for his latest project, the scientist transformed Adrian into a chimaera, a fusion of humans and monsters to be sold as a weapon for war. However, the scientist's plan backfired when Adrian, against all odds, regained consciousness within his chimaera body. Fueled by rage and the memories of his betrayal, Adrian seized control over his new body. Now reborn as a chimaera with the ability to absorb organs and gain the powers of other creatures, Adrian vows vengeance upon the mysterious contractor who sent the assassins for him. Once a battleground against monsters, the Nexaria now witnessed a different kind of conflict—one driven by betrayal, revenge, and the extraordinary powers of a vengeful chimaera. *** Weekly bonus chapter goals: • 20 Golden Tickets: 2 extra chapters. • 80+ (weekly) Power stones: 2 extra chapters. • 1 Review: 1 extra chapter (Only valid for first 10 reviews) • Super gifts: 4-8 chapters, depending on the gift. *** Discord Server link:

  • A chance to know you again

    A chance to know you again



    They were in love, but a misunderstanding caused them to split up. She was the first woman he had allowed into his life, and he was the first person she had considered her shining shield during her darkest moments. But everything was a dream. ****** Adrian Emerson is the aloof, conceited billionaire of a global corporation. He had the face that made every woman fall for him. However, the issue was that he detested women. An incident from the past made him lose his faith in women until he met a girl who changed his perspective, slowly making his cold heart flutter for her innocence. She was not like any other woman, or so he had believed, until one day he discovered that she had betrayed his trust, leaving an even larger hole in his heart. Clara Matthew was a young woman who dreamed of being an actress until she became entangled in a situation that destroyed everything. Her lover abandoned her without giving a reason, and her father threw her out of the house. Her only option was to move out of the city and start a new life, but one day fate brought her face-to-face with a man she would never want to meet, even if it meant going to hell. **** "Come to my room, Miss Mathew." Fearfully, Clara leaped into the lion's den and was pinned to the wall. "Who were you speaking with right now?" She felt shivers down her spine as his ferocious gaze pierced hers, and she swallowed. "N-no one," she mumbled, barely audible. "Clara, let me warn you—until the end of the contract, you are mine." You are not permitted to see anyone during that time. "Did you get that?" he asked, his voice as icy as ice, freezing the girl in his arms. He said, taking a step back and letting go of her shoulder. "Come on, strip for me," he said, causing her mouth to fall open and her eyes to pop out of her socket. Join me as I take you on Adrian and Clara's journey and reveal all of the twists and turns along the way.

  • Dawn Of The Freak

    Dawn Of The Freak



    Two bodies one soul, live together, die together. Follow cute Adrian and handsome Elijah on their craziest, funniest, and humor filled love experience. Elijah: 'Puppy eyes' Just one kiss, please. Adrian: 1 Million. Elijah: How about just touching your body all over? Adrian: 5 Million. Elijah: And what about sucking your dick? Adrian: 'Thinking' 10 Million. Elijah: What about fucking? Adrian: 100 Million. Elijah: 'Gulp' Then let's start with fucking? Adrian: 'Nod nod' 100 Million. (You can also read my other novel: Ten Faced Boyfriend) (The credit of the wallpaper on the cover photo goes to it's original maker.)

  • Belonging To The Darkness

    Belonging To The Darkness



    *Arranged marriage*Enemies to lovers*Obsessed anti-Hero* “I fucking hate you!” She breathed out the words, slowly and steadily, into his face. Her garlic smelling breath hitting him right in the face, making his face twitch and break posture. “You,” he turned his head away to breathe away from her garlic scented bread, only for her to open her mouth and blow into his direction. “Fucking brat. Did your parents teach you nothing?“ “Pedophile!” She accused to his face. “Did your parents teach you to marry little girls?” Adrian scoffed. “it’s your father who is trying to marry you off. Take it up with him.” She tried to open her mouth, by the looks of it just blow her garlicky breath on him again. Adrian grabbed her jaw, squeezing her cheeks together, he made her shut her mouth. “Listen to me carefully, Brat,” he whispered, bringing his face closer to hers, “You better hope I don’t say yes to this proposal of your father. Because if I do, I will be shipping your ass off to a behaviour correction facility as the first thing.” Ignoring the sneer on her lips, Adrian patted her cheek forcefully, just for fun, before turning around and leaving her alone in the corner. “It’s on,” she vowed, “I’ll fucking set you on fire.” ***** Joyce O’Sullivan, 19 years old, a perfect age to get married and settled according to her family members, according to the church they went to, and according to the whole society that she did not give a damn about. Adrian Murphy was a name she had heard in her household many times but only by their mouths of. Those who dealt with business. When her father is finally able to score a meeting with the so called God of Europe, at least for the land to live in, she could not care any less only to find out that his father was making a proposal to him. Proposal of marriage. A proposal of marriage of her and him. The best part about it? He got to decide. And she certainly won’t let him decide in her favour. And why? Because it would get them power and power was everything. **** Dark romance you have been warned. Can be read as a standalone .

  • Transmigrated! The Adrian Prince's Naughty Wife

    Transmigrated! The Adrian Prince's Naughty Wife


    Prince Wu Long Ivruss is tall, gorgeous and dangerous. The crown prince of the planet of Adrian, he takes what he wants and holds what is his. Flaris is now his and he is not going to let her go until she belongs to him body and soul. But Flaris belongs to no one! And most certainly not an alien prince! She was a modern woman from earth and even though she had no idea how she reached this place, she was going to go back no matter how much trouble this big guy makes for her.. Her only goal in life is to feed healthy food to everyone and open her own cafe! But it was not possible on this planet as half the population did not even eat.The only person who eats that she knows is the prince who loves junk food! She needed to escape before the prince made her forget everything except him! As they journey through different worlds, will they be able to be together?But everything is not as simple on Adrian as it seems. As Flaris is dragged in the fight for the crown, will she be able to turn her back on the prince who has captured her heart?An excerpt from the book:He nuzzled into the back of her neck, causing her to feel ticklish. Before she could jump out of his embrace, Wu Long whispered," It is I who is responsible for what you did and why you did. Tell me Flaris, if not for these circumstances would you be willing to accept me your mate?"Flaris looked down at the way his arm held her possessively and slightly nodded her head. Yes. She had already trusted him with everything and if there was no possibility of her returning to Earth then she would be happy to live with him here. However if she ever had a chance to return to Earth, she dreamed that Wu Long would come with her. She wondered how he would answer her if she asked him about living on Earth when he said the words that shocked her speechless."I am your destined mate, Flaris. You are the one that fates have chosen for me.





    What will you do when you suddenly woke up as a baby in one of your favourite books? Just like any other transmigrated book or reincarnation in your everyday novel, Rehan was also reading a book named " ALL IS MISUNDERSTANDING" when he died and was born as a villainess brother. But what was written and what he experienced in the book was totally upside down. He was in a mess and the only thought in the mind is that he is being cheated on by this smiling demon called male lead and a rotten girl his sister and his sister's so-called enemy best friend Female lead. He doesn't know how to deal with all this, so let us be his supporter and be a part of his journey and get to know whether he changed the genre of the book or was it all but a misunderstanding. Abstract "Ad......Adrian wha.......what are you doing?" Lucas (Rehan) stuttered as he was cornered to the wall. Rehan has always been oblivious to his surroundings and the feeling of others but at this time he could feel the anger and frustration coming out of his friend. " Me " Adrian raised his eyebrow and pointed at him. " I am claiming what rightfully belongs to me", saying that he dipped his head towards Rehan's lips and kissed him hard. The personality of MC and ML Lucas Evans (Rehan)- Proud, business-minded, loves his family to death, competitive, hate to lose especially to certain someone. Adrian Hemsworth- Proud, business-minded, loves to win especially to his proud friend, cold-hearted smiling demon\ devil and shameless towards certain someone. This story is age-progressive so it starts from their childhood. You get to know their childhood and how they become frenemies to a friend, Friend to best friends, best friends to lovers and finally husbands. This story won't have misunderstandings maybe a few here and there but not long and I don't like angst too it won't consist of that too. It will have some drama. This story will be a fluffy, comedy and some childishness and certainly love between family, siblings and between partners. Warnings My FIRST language ISN'T ENGLISH so there will be some grammatical mistakes so please be patient with me and correct me but with gentle words. And I won't force anybody to read my book but if you love my book I will welcome reviews and comments. MY LIFE MOTTO IS " DON'T JUDGE OTHERS AND DON'T LET OTHERS JUDGE YOU TOO." WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIFE AND LET OTHERS LIVE THEIRS TOO. DO COMMENT AND GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL HELP IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOOK. YOUR SUPPORT ALWAYS MOTIVATES ME. I will a chapter a day. if I can I would post more chapters. I hope you can motivate me to write with power stones, comments, reviews, gifts, and golden tickets. It is shameless but I hope you understand. And those who support this book be it voting via power stone, commenting, gifting, or through golden tickets please do read the author's comments in every chapter as I always mention them. And those who gift the story do look forward to the chapter dedicated solely to them. The cover doesn't belong to me. I don't know the artist too. Fans Arts submission is heartily welcome. DO CHECK MY OTHER BOOK: FATE'S WHISPER (ROMANCE CARNIVAL) FOLLOW ME ON. twitter- CHArgergirl_06 IG- ch.ar2155 DIscord-CHArgergirl#9795 THANK YOU

  • The Way of a Demon Lord

    The Way of a Demon Lord



    The way of a Demon Lord- since the beginning of time, countless demons dreamt of it but few dared to tread on it, and even fewer reached its end. But the rarest of them all were some special demons who were not allowed to step on it, because if they were to become a Demon Lord- even the other lords would have to bow their heads. Abhorred and hunted by all, they could not do anything but hide till their lifespans came to an end. But for the first time ever, one such demon chose to do otherwise. Follow Adrian Darkheart as he uses his special demonic power, superior intellect and innate brutality to walk the path of chaos and destruction and become the greatest Demon Lord ever.

  • Adrian Miles

    Adrian Miles


    The real danger is not that computers will begin to think like men, but that men will begin to think like Sydney J. Harris

  • Marinette and Adrian

    Marinette and Adrian

  • Arlyn & Adrian

    Arlyn & Adrian

    "Kau.. Jangan bilang, kau tidak membuntutiku kan?" Adrian yang sebelumnya merasa tenggorokannya tercekat menerima tuduhan langsung memaksakan dirinya berbicara. "T- Tidak! I- Ini hanya kebetulan. Aku tidak membuntutimu. Membuntuti seseorang adalah kejahatan." Adrian menggoyangkan kedua tangannya. Berusaha meyakinkan si perempuan bahwa tuduhannya tidaklah benar. Arlyn diam memandangi Adrian. "Sekarang. Apa yang akan kau lakukan? Meminta kontakku?" Menerima pertanyaan itu Adrian membulatkan matanya. "..Apakah boleh?" "Tidak." "...."
