Fantasia Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 389 results

  • Fantasia.


  • The Pretty Witch

    The Pretty Witch

    Leona Pierce was deeply obsessed with color black. Just like her soul, she lived in darkness. The stubborn little fire always had reasons to despise the world and unleash the hell, but when Tayson Huxley decided to splash his tints on her soul, she couldn't come up with an excuse to hate him. .. . Leona Pierce-heartless and detached artisan who lurked behind the colors and the ink carved on her skin. The messy soul who was fighting the demons of her mind stumbles upon Tayson Huxley. Tayson Huxley-The man epitome of desire, arrogance, and pure sex. Both found themselves trapped in their own little bubble, knowing that it would fusillade with time. When the fire and storm cross paths, the fuse of hatred, stubbornness, little ego games, and undeniable chemistry leads to the explosion of something that none of them wants in their life.Was this the game of resistance? Or the game of love? Will Leona win against the charmer, Tayson? Or will Tayson lose his heart to win her?

  • Release That Witch

    Release That Witch



    Cheng Yan travels through time, only to end up becoming an honorable prince in the Middle Ages of Europe. Yet this world was not quite as simple as he thought. Witches with magical powers abound, and fearsome wars between churches and kingdoms rage throughout the land. Roland, a prince regarded as hopeless by his own father and assigned to the worst fief, spends his time developing a poor and backward town into a strong and modern city, while fighting against his siblings for the throne and absolute control over the kingdom. Join Roland as he befriends and allies with witches and, through fighting and even farming, pushes back invaders from the realm of evil.

  • God-Level Game Developer System: I Brought In-Game Items To Real World

    God-Level Game Developer System: I Brought In-Game Items To Real World



    After his death, Weiss S. Albus woke up under an unfamiliar ceiling. What came after a successful transmigration was none other than the memories of the previous owner’s body. Transmigrating into the modern world Blue Star, Weiss was confronted with a system screen in front of him. [Weiss, two months from now, the invasion from another world will destroy Blue Star. You need to prepare and let the entire human race have the power to defeat those invaders! Become a God-Level Game Developer!] Hearing the sweet yet resolute voice from his system spirit “Alice”, Weiss immediately made countermeasures! Invasion from another world? Create the Idle Tower Defense Game and make the defense of Blue Star invulnerable! Those flying lizards (dragons?) were shot down from the sky by a homing meteor turret! Lack of experience in dealing with a wave of monsters? Zombie Survival Online has been developed! Waves of evolved zombies, the hands of the military were numbed after playing the game! The humans need summoned monsters to fight alongside them for support? The Pocket Monster Game was created just for that purpose! Armed with dimensional pocket balls, the players gazed at the monsters and shouted “Gotta imprison and enslave them all!” As if that wasn’t enough, mages and warriors from another world invaded Blue Star! Weiss immediately developed Fantasia Online and let those aliens get a taste of their own medicine! After awakening the God-Level Game Developer System, creating game worlds that was no different from reality itself became the norm for Weiss Albus! “Invasion from another world? Let the human race treat this as nothing but a game! I, the God-Level Game Developer, approve!” Life is a game, but a game within a game? Only the God-Level Game Developer Weiss S. Albus can develop it!

  • Eternal Melody

    Eternal Melody



    "Is there really such a thing as a happy ending?" - [Final Volume] A drop of ink can penetrate the walls, even the walls you took too long to build. After losing her first love due to a traffic accident, Ibuki Sumire transfers to Tokyo. She wanted to escape, to run away from everything that happened. To start over in a place that didn't have him. But a series of clues lead her to investigating the case behind the accident. In that place she learns about the masks people wear. The masks people wear to disgui se their feelings. Sometimes you have to look past what you see on the surface. There she meets him, the person who helps her move forward. But Sumire quickly learns how alike they are. His cold personality is different than the kindness she is used to. However, he is the only one who understands her feelings. It keeps going around in circles, like a drop of paint. Round and round - an endless stream of pain and lies. But, that stream ended the moment she laid her eyes on his paintings. Such rich and vibrant colors, it felt like his emotions exploded. Yet, in the corner of his studio, she found it. The real him, a sakura painting of two people walking hand in hand. A gentle and sweet feeling, something she has never felt before. _ Volume 1: Volume 3: A Single Colour [ Volume 4: A Single Colour II Volume 5: Clear Colour Road [ Volume 6: Eternal Melody [ ___ This book is part of a series 0• Seven Coloured Melody - Pending 1• Eternal Melody - Ongoing 2• Dream Star - COMPLETE Fantasia of the Stars - Rewrite Pending 3• Silver Wish - COMPLETE ___ Join me on discord: Invite Only (ask in comments section) [Commissioned Cover by: Zushidraws]

  • Sistema Multiplicador de Renda Cem Vezes

    Sistema Multiplicador de Renda Cem Vezes


    Jack Alfonso, o sétimo filho da geração mais jovem da família Alfonso da Cidade de Crystal passa por muitos problemas em casa.Sua mãe morre quando ele tinha apenas quinze anos. Depois, as coisas pioram quando ele é intimidado por seus meio-irmãos mais velhos.No final, ele decide que, uma vez que a família Alfonso não podia ajudá-lo nesta vida, ele teria que buscar um caminho por conta própria.Ele decide usar o pequeno montante de dinheiro que vinha economizando desde os treze anos até os dezenove.Ele deixa a Cidade de Crystal que estava sob total influência da família Alfonso e vai para uma cidade atrasada, Cidade de Inchoate, onde ele inicia um pequeno negócio.Quem diria que quando ele recebeu sua primeira renda, ele recebeu um aviso que o deixou surpreso.[Ding! Parabéns por ativar o Multiplicador de Renda Cem Vezes.][Ding! Você ganhou trezentos dólares. Multiplicador aplicado. Você recebeu trinta mil dólares.][Ding! Primeira renda. Como recompensa, você ganha uma Suzuki GSX-R1000][Ding! Primeira renda. Como recompensa, você ganha um Bugatti Veyron feito sob medida.][Ding! O sistema pode auxiliá-lo. Você será recompensado com habilidades profissionais de condução. Mas, você terá que completar uma tarefa dada a você no período de tempo especificado. Se a tarefa não for completada, então não apenas você perderá a habilidade, você também será punido pelo sistema.][Ding! Primeira renda. Como recompensa, você ganha um Eurocopter EC135][Ding! Primeiro mês de ganho de renda. Recompensado com Hotel Glaze.]….Com isso, sua vida mudou imediatamente para melhor. Ele não sabia o que aconteceria a seguir, mas ele havia ganhado um novo sonho. Ele queria se tornar mais rico que a família Alfonso.Dessa forma, pelo menos eles se arrependeriam por não se importarem com ele. Mas isso não seria tudo, ele teria que garantir que a família caísse. A razão para isso era bem simples, ele descobriu o motivo da morte de sua mãe!…..Olá pessoal. Esta história é principalmente sobre romance e podemos dizer que há algumas partes de ficção. Mas, espero que vocês gostem da história.Pessoal, a cada 100 pedras de poder, haverá um capítulo extra.200PS= 1 capítulo extra100GT= 2 capítulos extrase assim por diante. A liberação dos capítulos bônus será no início de cada mês. Então, por favor, se vocês querem mais capítulos, coloquem essas pedras de poder e ingressos dourados, e deixem o resto comigo........Vocês podem me dar suas opiniões através;ês podem apoiar meus outros romances, do gênero fantasia, 'A Estrela Dourada', 'O Sistema da Alma no Apocalipse', 'O Sistema do Guarda-costas', 'Gêmeos com Sistemas: Complete a Missão'

  • MAGO Supremo

    MAGO Supremo


    Derek McCoy era um homem que passou a vida inteira enfrentando adversidades e injustiças. Depois de ser forçado a se contentar com sobreviver em vez de viver, ele finalmente encontrou seu lugar no mundo, até que tudo foi tirado dele uma última vez. Após perder sua vida para vingar seu irmão assassinado, ele reencarna até encontrar um mundo digno de se viver, um mundo cheio de magia e monstros. Acompanhe-o em sua jornada, de irmão enlutado a soldado alienígena. De bebê a Mago Supremo. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigração, Protagonista Masculino, Fantasia Ocidental Cronograma: 12 capítulos/semana (a menos que eu esteja doente ou aconteça algo) Comprimento do Capítulo: 1200 - 1400 palavras Aviso: O protagonista não é um herói nem um anti-herói. Ele é uma pessoa quebrada, cínica e misantropa em busca apenas de seu próprio benefício. Se você procura um protagonista bondoso e tolerante que vai por aí salvando pessoas em perigo, este não é o seu tipo de história. O mesmo vale se você deseja um protagonista imutável e sem desenvolvimento de personagem.

  • Unwanted Fantasia of a Transmigrator

    Unwanted Fantasia of a Transmigrator


    What comes after death? The Afterlife? The Void? Heaven or Hell? What about a hellish cycle of rebirth? A cycle of rebirth through time and space! Join Yuriy Markov XV on an unfortunate and unwanted journey beyond death! Born on Earth which is plagued by death and uncertainty, Yuriy pursues the life of a VR fanatic. Sadly that all comes to an end when war breaks out. Just when people thought things couldn't get worse, an unnatural disaster wipes out all life. Now having his first taste of death, join our main character as he embarks on a path towards what lies after death, and possibly even further! Remember... Death is only the beginning!

  • Fantasia Continent

    Fantasia Continent


    Seorang anak manusia menjelajahi benua, menghadapi rintangan, membuat sahabat, dan menghadapi teka teki dunia.Perlahan tapi pasti, anak itu menjelajahi setiap sudut dari benua Fantasia, benua dimana banyak ras hidup, beberapa ada yang tertutup, beberapa lainnya mendominasi permukaan. Petualangan demi kepuasan dari rasa penasaran, bertemu dengan ras lain, bersahabat serta berseteru. Perjalanan fantasi akan dimulai!

  • Fantasia Academy

    Fantasia Academy

    Moira is a Normal 18 year old girl until she discovers the secrets about who she really is,her discoveries led her to Fantasia Academy,the Academy for the Supernatural where she discovers more secrets,Is Moira ready for Secrets,Betrayal and Fate or give up?

  • Dark Fantasia

    Dark Fantasia

    Suatu hari Robert, seorang pria paruh baya yang berprofesi sebagai pengusaha besar di bidang jasa dan dagang tiba-tiba jatuh sakit, dan dalam waktu yang singkat segala apa yang telah ia kumpulkan lenyap seketika untuk biaya pengobatannya.Robert yang jatuh miskin ditinggalkan istrinya, anaknya, kolega, dan semua orang terdekatnya karena dianggap sudah tidak berguna lagi. Harta dan koneksi yang ia telah kumpulan selama hidupnya seakan hanya sebuah ilusi semata.Kehilangan harapan untuk hidup, penyakit yang menggerogoti tubuhnya semakin menjadi-jadi dan pada akhirnya ia mati.Tetapi, kematian itu bukanlah sebuah akhir baginya. Dewa memberikannya satu kesempatan lagi untuk hidup di dunia lain, di sebuah Negeri bernama kerjaan Armenia.Kerajaan Armenia, sebuah negeri tirani yang terletak di bagian barat dunia. sebuah negara yang memperlakukan rakyatnya tidak lebih dari sekedar sumber daya dan tidak menghidari hak-hak yang ada.Seri ini menceritakan perjalanan hidup Robert di dunia barunya, di daratan dimana pedang, sihir, dan hal-hal diluar akal sehat manusia ada.Genre: Fantasy, Magic, Romance, Drama, Adventure, Psikologis, Mature.[R-17] [Bisa bertambah]

  • Welcome to Fantasia

    Welcome to Fantasia



    In the world of fantasia where strong rules and evil creatures rampages this is the story of young boy named alex

  • A Supernatural Fantasia

    A Supernatural Fantasia


    Vampires and humans have coexisted for many generations now. United in their fight against the werewolf menace, an uneasy alliance has been formed between the two races. Times seem peaceful now and as a college student, things seemed to be going smoothly. However, one day on the way home, Esin and her vampire friend Rayleigh come across a mysterious woman named Feriha who's been injured. You try to help her, but she disappears before they can call an ambulance. Later, she shows up at Esin's house and Esin decides to help her only to discover that she's half vampire and half werewolf! How could such a thing be possible?! To make matters more complicated, the werewolves have sent an investigator to capture her! Soon Esin finds herself caught up in the war between two races and find out that the peace she was used to was not what it seemed to be… But these dire times might just lead her to discover bonds that will last a lifetime. Will she be able to bridge the gap between two warring races?

  • The Epitome of Fantasia

    The Epitome of Fantasia

    Fantasy is just a fantasy. But a fantasia, can be anything.



    Sebuah meteor besar yang apabila jatuh ke bumi di perkirakan bisa memusnahkan lebih dari separuh kehidupan itu, malah menjadi sebuah keajaiban dan anugrah, juga musibah.Sebagian hewan dan tumbuhan berevolusi, baik sifat dan bentuk fisiknya. Sedangkan efek pada manusia adalah, perubahan kekuatan fisik dan kekuatan psikis atau kinetik.Setelah beberapa tahun, efek dari meteor itu sangat terasa. Beberapa hewan yang sudah berevolusi, mulai menyerang kota dan desa untuk mencari makanan.Lalu pemerintah memulai program pelatihan evolusi kepada seluruh warganya dan pelatihan evolusi khusus untuk pasukan penjagaan. Dengan membuat sekolah-sekolah kejuruan evolusi di tingkat SLTA.Berdirilah sekolah evolusi pertama di kota AA-F yang bernama SMK N 1 FANTASIA AA-F. Dengan beberapa program keahlian.



  • Grand Fantasia World

    Grand Fantasia World

    Alphonse who got fired at his workplace decide to make fortune by playing virtual reality online games. Grand Fantasia, a game that connect reality and fantasy. sistem notification: congratulation you unlocked hidden class! Alphonse: Open status window! Alphonse (level 1) Class: Jobless Alphonse: ...........

  • Questionable Fantasia

    Questionable Fantasia

  • Fantasia: Red Dawn

    Fantasia: Red Dawn

    Book 1 of the Daybreak Saga. In the land of Nippon, twins Kira and Saya find their lives spiraling out of control after a near-fatal encounter with a monster. They must uncover the secrets of their family and their powers as they try to protect themselves and their loved ones from threats both mortal and immortal that seek to use or destroy them for their powers.
