KöNigreich Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 867 results

  • Die kühne Frau des Mr. Tycoon

    Die kühne Frau des Mr. Tycoon


    "Bleib bei mir, und ich werde dir alles geben, was dein Herz begehrt. Für dich, mein Liebling, würde ich die Berge spalten, das Meer teilen und die Erde in Aufruhr versetzen, nur um dich zu haben." - - - - - In jeder Liebesgeschichte gibt es immer eine rachsüchtige und bösartige Verlobte, die mit dem reichen und gut aussehenden CEO verlobt war, der sich in die arme, aber sanfte und unschuldige Hauptdarstellerin verliebt hat. In seiner Gier nach ihrer Liebe brach er seine arme Verlobte, deren Liebe sie an den Rand des Wahnsinns trieb. Niemand kümmerte sich je um die Gefühle der Verlobten. Zhao Lifei wurde ihr ganzes Leben lang darauf vorbereitet, einen Mann zu heiraten, aber plötzlich wurde sein Herz von einer anderen erobert. Sie wurde geohrfeigt, zerstört und verleugnet, weil sie Zheng Tianyi liebte. Sie war bereit, ihre Jugend, ihre Zeit und ihr Herz für diesen Mann zu opfern, aber alles, was sie bekam, war Schmerz und Verzweiflung. Es dauerte zwei harte, aber erweckende Jahre, bis Zhao Lifei die Fehler, die sie in der Vergangenheit gemacht hatte, endlich verstand. Nach ihrer Erlösung war es nun an Zhao Lifei, eine Liebe zu erleben, die größer war als die der Hauptdarstellerin. Zhao Lifei war klüger, kämpferischer und geistreicher und wusste, wie man in der grausamen, verräterischen und rauen Gesellschaft der Oberschicht überleben konnte. "Ein betrügerischer Verlobter, der mir das Herz gebrochen hat? Scheiß auf ihn, ich finde einen reicheren!" "Alle meine Freunde haben mich verlassen? Egal, ich werde bessere finden!" "Meine Eltern haben mich verstoßen? Das ist in Ordnung, mein Großvater ist reicher und mächtiger als sie beide zusammen!" Das genaue Gegenteil des schnippischen Zhao Lifei war der unglaublich reiche und mächtige, aber unbarmherzig kalte Yang Feng. Yang Feng, der König des Wirtschaftsimperiums, war ein Mann, den man fürchten musste. Ein Herz aus Eis, Augen aus Stein, unbarmherzig, aber verführerisch gut aussehend, gab es keinen einzigen Menschen auf dieser Welt, der es wagte, ihn zu beleidigen. Viele haben es versucht, aber keiner hatte es geschafft, seine Aufmerksamkeit zu erlangen. Das heißt, bis sein Weg unerwartet mit Zhao Lifei zusammenstößt. Es wird zu Herausforderungen kommen, das Chaos wird beginnen, und es wird ein Drama geben. Aber was ist schon eine Liebesgeschichte ohne Unruhe? Man sagt, Liebe ohne Konflikte sei nur eine einfache Schwärmerei, und die Geschichte von Zhao Lifei und Yang Feng war alles andere als das. - - - - - Status des Romans: Abgeschlossen. Hinweis: Dies ist eine Originalgeschichte von mir (xincerely) und keine Übersetzung :) Dieses Buch ist ausschließlich auf webnovel.com zu finden. Bitte NICHT repost es irgendwo anders. Story-Diskord: https://discord.gg/N5zzn6t Instagram der Autorin: xincerely_author Redakteure und Korrekturleser: Yserieh, ketaki, deelah, SniperGirl, dumdum007, YunRei, Blissful, ninaviews, Ocelot, Hoodwinhemmford, PantojaC0311, _pia29, dumdum007, filledelisle, myco, rosie, and littlebakergirl

  • Royally Desired

    Royally Desired

    Twelve years after the death of her best friend and also the future alpha of the Eclipse pack, Tiana Aldridge finds herself mated to his twin brother, Jordan Walker but he doesn’t want her.Her pack hates her and everyone blames her for the death that happened twelve years ago. She grows up an outcast and Jordan wastes no time rejecting her. All her hopes of ever finding happiness come crashing. Tiana only has one wish; an opportunity to leave the Eclipse pack for good.The former Alpha King passes on, and her alpha gladly gives her out in tribute to the king. What he doesn’t know is karma is coming back in the deadliest way he least expects.As the first Alpha Prince and also next in line to be king, Ryder Cadwalder is used to getting what he wants. He is surly, overly possessive, and outrightly arrogant. Experience with his ex-mate taught him to have little trust for the opposite sex and when he finds out he has a second chance mate, he takes no chances with her.His past still haunts him, but he must find a way to move on from it. Fate takes him to the Eclipse pack, and as the Alpha prince tries to solve the riddle that has hunted the werewolf kingdom for years, secrets are being unraveled and truths unfolded.What happens when the Eclipse pack is at the mercy of the alpha prince’s mate? Would Tiana forgive? Or would she have her revenge on those that caused her pain all her life?

  • Verheiratet mit dem Sohn des Teufels

    Verheiratet mit dem Sohn des Teufels


    【Volume 1 - Married to the Devil's Son】 Ein Prinz, von dem man sagt, er sei der Sohn des Teufels. Er ist die Definition von Gefahr. Er ist die Finsternis selbst. Eine Prinzessin. Eingesperrt in ihrem eigenen Haus, nur um herauszukommen, wenn sie verheiratet ist. Aber mit wem verheiratet? *** Es war einmal der Teufel, der sich in eine der vielen Frauen des Königs verliebte. Eines Nachts ging er als ihr Ehemann verkleidet in ihr Zimmer und machte Liebe mit ihr. Sie wurde mit seinem Kind schwanger. Als der König dies erfuhr, ordnete er ihre Hinrichtung an, weil er glaubte, dass seine Frau ihn betrogen hatte, doch dann erschien der Teufel dem König und schlug ihm ein Geschäft vor. Als Gegenleistung für große Macht für sein Königreich, wird der König seine Frau das Kind des Teufels zeugen lassen. Der machtgierige König geht auf den Handel ein und sein Königreich wird zu einem der mächtigsten Königreiche und das Teufelskind zum siebten Prinzen des Königreichs. Eine Prinzessin zu sein, hört sich wahrscheinlich schön an. Ein Leben voller Luxus, schöner Kleider und schöner Schuhe, aber für Hazel hat das Prinzessinnendasein nichts Schönes an sich. Sie darf den Palast nicht verlassen, sie darf keine Freunde haben, sie darf nicht essen oder sagen oder tragen, was sie will, und sie darf sich nicht aussuchen, wen sie heiraten will. Bald wird sie einen Mann heiraten, den sie noch nie gesehen hat, einen Prinzen, von dem es heißt, er sei der Sohn des Teufels. 【Volume 2 - Return of the Devil's Son】 **Sequel zu Verheiratet mit dem Sohn des Teufels** Er ist zurück! Diesmal wilder, schneller und stärker, mit nur einem Ziel vor Augen. Rache! Fürst der Finsternis, Sohn des Teufels, Lucian ist zurück, und er hat nur eines im Sinn. Rache! Bis er ihr begegnet. Eine Frau, die ihn über alle Maßen verführt, die aber auch behauptet, seine Frau zu sein. Umgeben von dunklen Geheimnissen und mächtigen Feinden muss Lucian entscheiden, wem er vertrauen und wen er vernichten will. Nachdem ihr einmal das Herz gebrochen wurde, hat sich Klara geschworen, sich nie wieder zu verlieben. Doch als ihr Bruder versucht, sie in eine Ehe zu zwingen, und der nervige, aber verrucht gut aussehende Roshan sie rettet, wird es schwierig. Kann sie ihr Herz vor dem Mann schützen, dessen Berührung ihren Körper in Flammen setzt? Oder wird sie sich ihrer Sehnsucht hingeben und ihr Herz noch einmal riskieren? ---------------------------------- 【Volume 3 - Der Teufel in ihren Träumen】 DIE BESTIE UNTER UNS Stell dir vor, du lebst in einer Welt voller feuriger, wilder Wesen, die sich in den Schatten verstecken, in unseren Träumen umherstreifen und unter unsere Haut kriechen. Sie belauschen uns, manipulieren unsere Gedanken und erforschen unsere Körper. Sie sind Wilde, Bestien, aber einige von ihnen sind Gefährten und Freunde aus der Kindheit. Einige sind gefährlich, andere noch gefährlicher. Sie leben unter uns. Einige von uns nennen sie Dämonen, andere nennen sie Dschinn. Aber einige von ihnen sollten nie genannt werden. DIE SCHÖNHEIT AUF DER SUCHE NACH LIEBE Heaven, die Enkelin des Teufels und Prinzessin von Decresh, hat alles im Leben. Liebende Eltern, Schönheit, Reichtum und Status. Aber eine Sache fehlt. Und das ist die Liebe. Heaven träumt von der Liebe ihrer Eltern, und jetzt, wo sie volljährig ist und heiraten kann, muss sie ihren Traummann und den zukünftigen König von Decresh finden. Und sie muss ihn bald finden. Es gibt einen Mann. Ein mysteriöser, silberäugiger Fremder, der immer wieder in ihren Träumen auftaucht. Wer ist er und was will er? Während die Reihe der Verehrer wächst, werden Heavens Träume immer lebhafter und zwingen sie, sich auf eine Reise zu begeben, um den Mann ihrer Träume zu finden. Könnte er auch der Mann ihrer Träume sein? Oder würde er sich als Albtraum erweisen?

  • Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

    Kar98K Upon Touchdown!

    Games MAGIC


    Liu Zilang had a well-kept secret — he was a prodigy in competitive FPS eSports. His specialty? CSGO. He even entered the finals in the prestigious world tournament. Alas, his team fell short due to Liu Zilang's inexperience. Shattered by the fact, Liu Zilang vanished from the eSports scene. That was until his friends got him to play a new game known as PUBG. Liu Zilang's life turned around and he began to make his comeback. Follow Liu Zilang as he encounters difficult situations, all while learning to open up as a person, but more importantly as a brother.

  • Người yêu kết hôn 1 tặng 1: Giám đốc xin vui lòng ký nhận!

    Người yêu kết hôn 1 tặng 1: Giám đốc xin vui lòng ký nhận!


    Chị cô kết hôn, cô lại từ một đứa không cha không mẹ một đêm trở thành thiếu phu nhân của nhà giàu quyền thế nhất của thành phố T. Trong đêm tân hôn, hắn vừa lạnh lùng vừa vô tâm nói, “Dù cho cô giở thủ đoạn gì gả đến Mục gia, thì trong mắt tôi cô chẳng là cái thá gì cả!” còn cô vô cùng bình tĩnh và nói một cách vô tình, “Mục thiếu à đừng đánh giá cao bản thân mình đến vậy chứ, cả thân thể cùng tiền của anh, tôi đều chướng mắt!” Sau khi kết hôn - ban ngày Mục đại thiếu tiêu tiền như nước, ban đêm thì “Em nói em chướng mắt anh ở chỗ nào chứ, hả?” Lạc Thần Hi càng cảm thấy phiền phức hơn, tàn nhẫn vứt giấy ly hôn, “Thời gian vừa qua thật khó khăn mà, ly hôn đi!” Một giây sau, cô công chúa nhỏ ôm hành lý hình dán hellokitty chạy đến, vui mừng ôm lấy đùi cô, “Ma ma, có phải chúng ta chơi trò bỏ nhà ra đi hay không?”

  • The K-Pop Dream

    The K-Pop Dream



    Dylan was an ordinary 18 year old with a particular taste for the older girls. What will happen when one day he finds himself in the past possessing a body no longer his own. Dylan: "Where am I?" "OMG i'm hot!?" "Its time to .duh duh duh. Pick up noonas!" How far will cheesy pickup lines and knowledge of the future take him ? Its anyones guess *Picture does not belong to me. All rights and credit belong to the original author* Also if anyone wants to buy me a coffee. Here is a dead patreon where there is no benefits because I'm shameless https://www.patreon.com/user?u=15839221

  • The Pack's Girl (New Link)

    The Pack's Girl (New Link)

    She was rescued by our pack, the Asara.But with her delicious female scent, my brothers and I soon caught a whiff of her. We liked it and were quick to investigate.It didn't take us long to figure out what she was hiding under that oversized cloak. And we each wanted a part of it.She thought she could run from us? The best in enemy combat, the tracker and best sniffer in the pack, and the fastest one of us. Second to only our Alpha.The Mating Moon is on the rise and my brothers and I don't mind sharing. As long as we each get a taste of that sweet scent. And to partake of that delicious bodyShe might resist but we're strong, and she is one of only seven breedable females...she won't be going anywhere until we've had our fill of her.And under a Mating Moon, us males get insatiable.Go ahead. Run little Vanna Rae, it's more fun that way...

  • The Bad Boy & The Tomboy  (New Link)

    The Bad Boy & The Tomboy (New Link)

    Eric was my nemesis. The school bully who had laser focus on me as his target. As if highschool wasn't hard enough.Even worse, he was quite possibly the one person that seemed to know me best.All I wanted was to avoid Eric but he had a knack for showing up whenever I wanted to avoid him most.Then we made that bet...I believed that the only girl dirt biker in the contest, Tomboy, would win this year. But Eric thought otherwise...And he was willing to bet me a week of slavery on it.We'll see who is obeying who by week's end...

  • N A K A L

    N A K A L

    WARNING! ADULT CONTENT======================NOVEL KHUSUS DEWASA - BIJAKLAH DALAM MEMILIH BACAANNovel demi meningkatkan keintiman suami isteri...****************Kisah wanita-wanita dalam pusaran sebuah rumah kost ekslusif dalam problematika hidup nan rumit yang mereka hadapi. Mulai dari sang pemilik kost, eksekutif perusahaan, pegawai kantor, kapster salon, kasir minimarket, ibu rumah tangga dengan berbagai latar belakang ekonomi, usia, pendidikan dan kedudukan. Di belantara ibukota yang keras dan nyaris menghalalkan segala cara, hanya ada satu cara untuk bisa bertahan hidup dan meraih sukses. Mereka, para wanita serba cantik itu, harus mempertaruhkan segalanya. Kalau perlu dengan keindahan tubuh mereka masing-masing. Ini sulit terhindarkan karena mereka hidup dikelilingi pria-pria predator yang licik dan keras dimana beberapa di antaranya sepertinya terlihat terlalu lugu untuk mengenai dunia yang keras ini.

  • S.P.A.R.K.L.E And S.H.I.N.E

    S.P.A.R.K.L.E And S.H.I.N.E

    Book FOUR in the Chronicles of Mischief saga "You're a superstar, Ronan. You're made up of stardust and magic. Don't you ever let anybody dull your shine."

  • Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System

    Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System


    Watch as Alex Rise Survive in the World of Starship troopers with a Warhammer 40k system, will he be the hero of the Federation or will he die as a nameless Soldier in the Fight against the bugs. And a Battle for the multiverse. Would you like to Know More? Starship troopers timeline (short timeline)Warhammer 40k (currently writing.)Note: I do not own the Content of the Starship troopers Franchise or The Warhammer 40k Content. I have received permission from the Dawn of War Modding Community to use their assets in this fanfic.

  • Agent K2

    Agent K2


    Following his father's footsteps, Agent K2, started his training at the age eighteen to become a successful agent just like his father. Seven years later, he is the best in his field, completing every mission thrown his way. Krystle D'souza, a Catholic girl who spends 12 hours of her day at the hospital reception, helping anyone and everyone. Her life is quite. She never met her father and he was never in the picture. It was just her and her mother. She lived with her mother until two years ago when she suddenly passed away after a cardiac arrest. * After seven years, all K2 wants to do is spend his last one year servicing for the agency before resigning his field job and getting any desk job. He wants to settle down, get married and have kids but can he achieve all this especially when his last mission is a risk to his own life? Unfold the story of K2 and Krystle in Agent K2. Will they have a happy ending or they will loose everything before the end?

  • Der stärkste Kriegsgott

    Der stärkste Kriegsgott

    Sein Name war Brayden Neal, und er war ein ganz normaler Bürger. Im Alter von achtzehn Jahren wurde ihm der Titel eines Königs verliehen! Nachdem er zehn Jahre lang an den nördlichen Grenzen außerhalb des Königreichs gekämpft hatte, kehrte er endlich nach Hause zurück. Er schwor, drei Menschen zu töten, sobald er in der Hauptstadt ankam...

  • Eros


    "Eros Pierce is a thirty seven year old Greek-god who isn't all he tells twenty two year old Aduke Williams he is but they're both in love. Two people from entirely different worlds. Secrets that could ruin lives. A possessive man with a sex drive out of the roof. What could possibly go wrong? "What's my name?" his voice almost drove me crazy. It almost drove me mad but it definitely made my panties soaked. "Eros" I told him with conviction, my voice didn't cave or shake. "Good, now who do you belong to?" he stepped closer and I craned my neck upwards to look into his captivating eyes. "Eros" he smiled at my reply before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Who do I belong to?" he asked, pulling back and I almost cooed at how cute he looked."

  • The Charming Mage is a K-Pop Idol!

    The Charming Mage is a K-Pop Idol!


    Kim Min Soo is the most popular K-pop Idol in the Mystica boyband group. However, behind his perfect facade as an idol; the young man suffers a hair-pulling disorder due to his stress and depression as a public figure. One day, he had a dream of an unknown handsome man with a charming face, his navy eyes are as blue as the ocean. Min Soo's curiosity is piqued, the appearance of the dashing man in a strange magical world in his dream certainly surprises him. Even though, the man had a successful debut he had a problem with his overworking habit. The man fainted after over-exhausted himself in a studio. He was rushed into the hospital, but then strange things happen when he passed out. The next thing he knew, the K-pop Idol is transported to an unknown magical world in his dream!?

  • Kar98K Saat Mendarat!

    Kar98K Saat Mendarat!

    Liu Zilang memiliki rahasia yang terjaga dengan baik – ia adalah keajaiban dalam suatu FPS eSports yang kompetitif. Spesialisasinya adalah? CSGO. Dia bahkan masuk final di turnamen dunia ternama. Sayangnya, timnya tidak mendukung Liu Zilang karena pengalamannya yang masih kurang. Sedih dengan kenyataan itu, Liu Zilang menghilang dalam arena eSports. Sampai akhirnya teman-temannya mengajaknya bermain game baru bernama PUBG. Hidup Liu Zilang berubah dan ia merencanakan untuk kembali ke arena. Mari ikuti kisah Liu Zilang, terutama saat menghadapi masa-masa sulit, sambil menunggu ia lebih terbuka sebagai manusia, tetapi juga yang lebih penting adalah sebagai saudara.

  • Nhật ký trưởng thành của Nữ Oa

    Nhật ký trưởng thành của Nữ Oa

    Cô nàng Phong Tiểu Tiểu - một cô gái bình thường như bao cô gái khác - bỗng vào ngày sinh nhật lần thứ 20 của mình lại nhận được một tin sét đánh: Cô là Nữ Oa! Đây là trò đùa gì vậy? Ấy vậy mà đó lại là sự thật không thể thật hơn. Vị sư phụ có thân phận đặc biệt của cô đã đích thân nói với cô như vậy, thậm chí còn đánh thức năng lực và khiến cô "hiện nguyên hình". Ngoài ra, trong lúc hai thầy trò đi dạo còn bất ngờ “nhặt” được thêm một Nhị Lang Thần đang lâm vào tình thế nước sôi lửa bỏng, bị bọn du côn vây đánh và cướp sạch tiền của. Sự xuất hiện của Nhị Lang Thần Dương Nghiên đã kéo theo một loạt những chuyện dở khóc dở cười. Dương Nghiên được hai thầy trò Phong Tiểu Tiểu cứu và anh ta kiên quyết bám trụ lại nhà cô. Sau đó, anh ta còn lẽo đẽo theo Phong Tiểu Tiểu đến trường học và vô tình gây nên một trận phong ba. Phong Tiểu Tiểu đã dần dần chấp nhận thân phận Nữ Oa của mình và bắt đầu đi lên con đường không cách nào quay lại - tìm kiếm pháp thân và tàn hồn của chúng thần tiên, gây dựng lại thiên đình. Cũng từ đây, các vị "thần tiên" lần lượt kéo đến nơi cỗ ở và đem đến bao rắc rối. Tổ hợp các vị thần sẽ chung sống như thế nào và sẽ làm gì khi mà trong tay ai ai cũng có quyền năng?

  • Jadesola


    "Jadesola is a Nigerian twenty five year old, who has been married to Michael Olumide, a thirty year old business man for five years. She got married to him without a choice and he won't let her get a divorce. With her anxiety coupled with social anxiety, she manages to survive through the torment of living with Michael. The pain of living with a man she knew would never love her or treat her like a woman. She meets Jide, a coworker who shows her that she deserves more than she gets. He shows her a side to life that she could never imagine but he wants more. Jadesola now has a choice to make, to respect her marriage vows or to follow her heart."

  • Kỷ nguyên ánh trăng mờ

    Kỷ nguyên ánh trăng mờ


    Trước khi nền văn minh rực rỡ hoàng kim bậc nhất bị lật đổ chỉ sau một đêm, khi mặt trăng màu tím kỳ lạ mọc lên, kỷ nguyên Ziyue bắt đầu mở ra. Chết tiệt, hệ sinh thái này là gì? Tiến hóa quá hỗn loạn, thỏ có thể cắn người, thực vật không dễ khiêu khích, làm sao để có thể sống ở đây? Tiến hóa để trở thành chiến binh mặt trăng tím? Mối quan hệ giữa mặt trăng tím và Ziyue là gì? Bản đồ này là gì? Khu vực an toàn? Cánh đồng đang lơ lửng? Cảng bóng tối? Đi thuyền trong cơn bão? Kinh Thành nhà Trịnh? Danh sách "Bài hát ru mang giai điệu khủng bố tinh thần"? Cuộc đua ngầm được hồi sinh, và thành phố ngầm đang bùng nổ? Một thị trường đen hỗn loạn trên toàn thế giới? Con đường đẫm máu? Điều quan trọng nhất là giấc mơ cũng sẽ bị kìm hãm và đi vào miền của những giấc mơ? Ổn thôi, thời đại chết tiệt này.

  • A Pirate's Plaything (New Link)

    A Pirate's Plaything (New Link)

    I was hiding as cargo on the ship Mandrake. When it was pirated, I did some quick-thinking and pretended to be a cabin boy.But he scented me at the get.And the moment he had me alone he stripped me down to prove what he already knew. I was all woman.He was the Captain of the Whirlwind and he intended to possess all spoils from the Mandrake. Including me.But I'm not so easily bullied into becoming a lover.Not even by a fierce pirate captain.
