/ Fantasy / the pantheons of chaos

the pantheons of chaos Original

the pantheons of chaos

Fantasy 21 Chapters 35.3K Views
Author: honeynbeans

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In a land of death and opportunity, the gods held supreme control, destroying the path of immortality so that no being shall ever step Into the divine ever again.

A land of dreams and hope, were everyone is in dire thirst for power, to asend higher and grow stronger, to reach the apex of existence and be crowned emperor amongst mortals.

Through trebulations of fate , against all odds, a young bastard son of the Damar empire stumbles upon the most supreme of arts, and gains the destiny to asend the realm of kings and gods, who'll dare step in his path to supremacy over the world, the king of men, the gatekeeper of hell, the Lord of chaos !


This story will be updating 5 times a week, if we ever reach a top 100 ranking it'll be permanently changed to 6 chapters a week.

Stay tuned and hope you enjoy my work.

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love the story so far, a good pase and not so bad plot, the world building is coming out just fine, and it holds a lot of potential for Growth and refining hope the author can keep working on the boom, and honestly I recommend it for a swift read.

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well it's a cliche by now to rate your story a five star, so politically speaking you can't gudge me, right ? anyways this book is both a western and eastern fantasy, I'll be using both the famous concepts of cultivation and such of the eastern, and giving it a twist of western that I think can spice up the slightly damp genra,it won't be perfect, I'm not nearly that talented of an author to pull such a thing perfectly, but I hope you enjoy, here the author. and have a nice day people.

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I like the progression of the story, you have an incredible style that matches the fantasy stories. I wish you more success in the future. keep up, bro.

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Hey there! Good day for writing! If you want to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new works, you might want to contact rebecca.review@outlook.com. A brief introduction, some sample chapters, or links will be appreciated when reaching out.

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Author honeynbeans