/ Fantasy / Memories of the Gluttonous Sage

Memories of the Gluttonous Sage Original

Memories of the Gluttonous Sage

Fantasy 119 Chapters 169.8K Views
Author: sinc

4.77 (14 ratings)

About Table of Contents


Cain wakes up like any other day--well I guess it would be night now. He discovers that with the nocturnal life, very few options for food are available. As such, he orders food, follows his daily routine, then takes a nap. Only to find out it was no normal nap, but a transdimensional nap.

He wakes up in an unknown world filled with many fantasy like features. However, unlike fantasy games, novels, and tv shows, this is real life. This fact just excites him all the more. Despite feeling scared, worried, or panic. He just feels... free.

No longer bound by the rules of the previous world, he can finally chase his dream. His dream that others called absurd and even crazy. But who cares? To him, it was one of the very few things that will always be fun, no matter how much time passes. Boredom is an eternity spent in a second, an eternity he never wants to experience again. Even if it means passing time by mindlessly.

Watch the journey of Cain as he explores the unknown, gets kicked out of a few restaurants for eating too much, hibernates (sleeps) for 14 to 24 hours, and wreaks havoc in this new world. No one shall restrict his freedom any longer, and to those who do, he'll annihilate the obstacles and use the people or organizations in ways we can't even begin to imagine.


Cover is made by Koi. Check out her instagram: koiijin

This are two books to this boi and this is book 1.

Huh... since we're starting to get some power stones I'll put some daily goals for you guys.

69 Power Stones: +1 chapter
360 Power Stones: +1 chapter
420 Power Stones: +1 chapter
1738 Power Stones: +1 chapter

Rewards stack, of course. If you have any more meme numbers feel free to comment them at the end of a chapter and I'll add them to the ps goal.
Extra chapters will be awarded 1-3 days after the ps goal is reached; it depends on how busy I am with work.

This book will always be free and will probably end after 10k chapters so go drag your friends in here. The more readers I have to check this boi for plot holes and such, the more motivated I'll be and the faster I'll upload chapters.

Comment if something seems to drag out too much, I don't mind rewriting entire arcs to patch up a plot hole. This is, afterall, a rough draft for the comic I'll be making.

Alt name for the discord: To Get Super Brain; https://discord.gg/gTWs4fmGfM

No One 17 and Under Admitted


  1. sinc
    sinc Contributed 184
  2. HentaiGod69
    HentaiGod69 Contributed 94
  3. Yinghuo_392
    Yinghuo_392 Contributed 35

Weekly Power Status

Rank -- Power Ranking
Stone -- Power stone

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Aight so there's enough chapters to do a review on my boi now. The first 5 chapters have been edited to match the quality of the later chapters (it is my first novel, so ye.) Chapters 6 to... 20? I don't remember the exact point, but the writing style is slightly less than the latest chapters. If you find a chapter that needs to be edited because the quality sucks, feel free to comment on it and I'll push up its editing date (i'm slowly editing the old ones as I write new chapters). Day 4 is the point where I start leaving stuff out because it'll mess with the flow. One example is the confrontation between Cain and Hunter in Day 7; there were supposed to be more scenes there and will have more scenes in the comic. Over Day 4, my writing style is refined and perfected to fit the novel style. I'd say it's about 6 to 7/10, one of my readers on another site said it was 7 to 8/10 though. The style increases in quality from Day 8 (ch. 67+) since that's when I got some advice and put it into effect. Now some bits on what to expect content wise: The mc does do a variety of experiments on people, corpses, animals, himself, basically anything he can find in the moment. The book is filled with memes and comedic moments while also balancing action and adventure here and there. In one such experiment, he creates the traditional, cliche system and gives it to someone who transmigrated (they're the easiest suspects for not questioning the existence and reason behind the system). The sole purpose of this is to study the human psych in depth by putting the subject through various situations. To the mc, knowledge is his power. The more he knows about a situation or the world, the more laidback he is. The less he knows, the more cautious he is and preparations he makes. He always tries to increase his knowledge through experiments, most of them on a whim. There isn't much tension since the mc prepares for everything and assumes/expects the worse and prepares for it. There will be some moments of tension later in the book when things happen that the mc didn't even think could happen. This book is from the mc's perspective since it is his memories, so there won't be many chapters or scenes w/o the mc. Keep in mind, the world he is in still moves and events still happen even if he isn't aware of them. This will cause some spontaneous moments to occur that the mc isn't aware of until they happen. The mc of this book doesn't dilly dally with his enemies. The only time he puts off a problem to be solved later when he has the power to do it is if it's part of an experiment that needs time to collect data/develop, the problem's outcome or existence aides one of his plans, he can use the problem to strengthen those around him, or he is curious about an aspect of the problem. The problem could be a developing situation, person, organization, country, etc. Either way, the mc will monitor it for unexpected developments and deal with it if things get too out of hand. This next bit is kind of a spoiler, but is an example of what I said above (there's nothing else below this point btw.) One of mc's enemies kills his friends, then 30 minutes later he kills their entire family off. The delay in time was to cool his anger and check to see if there were innocent members within the family (there were none btw.). The enemies was only alive in the first place because he was one of mc's experiments and he needed to be cautious of an unknown figure behind them. So ye, he doesn't waste time.

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Title: Memories of the Gluttonous Sage (sinc) Rating: 5 Chapters read: 69/121 (Day 8) as of August 10, 2022 Plot: Excellent The story is simple and straightforward, Cain is pulled out from his everyday life and is Isekaied to a new world, one that has magic without reason nor rhyme. Due to Cain’s high intelligence and high adaptability, he slowly integrates with the world. What sets this book apart is the MC’s thought processes. he uses scientific approaches to the magic systems and formulas and anyone who enjoyed the process of experimentation and science would get a kick out of this book. Story flow: Excellent The story flow is quite convoluted, but I mark it as excellent due to the natural flow at which it goes. I will elaborate on why I say those two opposing things. 1st why it’s excellent, The chapters are marked as Days while this is sometimes used by other books I have not seen one that does it like gluttonous sage. Each day in Cain’s world is 24 hours and the chapters actually happen real-timeime. Meaning should a bunch of stuff happen on the same day, the chapters will illustrate it by all being marked within the same day. This keeps the story relatively organized as you know exactly how much time has progressed and what has happened up until that point. While it may become confusing in the future I have read almost half of the available chapters and I am only at Day 8. Suffice to say it may appear slow to some but that would expound on my next point. The story gets convoluted due to the number of events in a given day, while it is fine to take your time per hour or per second especially in fights if you take the POV’s of multiple people and use them all on the same day format you actually multiple the hours in a day depending on how many people you use. So if 1 day has 24 hours and you have an hour a piece you have at most 24 right? What happens when you have 5 POVs? Of course, the story gets hectic as you now have 5 versions of the same hour. And while the book does not use multiple povs all the time. The times that it does make the storyline extremely confusing the worse offender is day 4, this day has 24 chapters and while a lot of stuff does happen on that day, the number of events feels quite convoluted. This is especially when some of them describe the same scene using different POVs while it is an excellent mechanic in storytelling but it tends to sometimes derail the story as a whole. Aside from day 4, the other days were clear and concise and could be understood as the actual time in the book progressed. The author told me this was meant to be a comic, and the narrative does reflect that as it wouldn’t be as difficult to follow if you were looking at images instead. Favorite Chapter: Chapter 41: Day 5(6) He's a Mad Lad Okay so going by what happened in the chapter people might ask why this is my favorite and my answer to that is this shows the potential of the book. The 1st part of the chapter shows Cain doing is analysis, which he does a lot, the next parts show Cain’s personality (Lazy af but inquisitive) the succeeding parts discuss the meeting with Alararik together with the set pieces which make the whole thing mysterious (Space mages bit), the actual meeting is comprised with what They want from Cain, and how Cain uses his established personality to answer. Followed by mini chats with Dresil and Bob to be ended with Cain’s promise of annihilation. You can see that quite a few different things compose a single chapter, and that is why this chapter had the most meaning for me. The beginning shows Cain’s personality, his cover, the reason why he strives forward (to figure out why he was summoned) and the negotiations with the Guild topped off by the promise he made. Alone none of these are good, but having them all in the same place establishes a pattern, Tropes are hated as they make things predictable, what I like about this book is it is anything but predictable. The author from what I can see purposely makes the established patterns of Cain’s actions and thoughts personality wise (Lazy af), his cover personality (seemingly good nature OP mage) only to subvert them when Cain’s bottom line is ticked. I love the parts where He went crazy when someone wanted to touch Dresil and he negotiated for a country (2nd (53) and 3rd (54,55) favorite chapter) but the contrast with how he normally is so satisfying to watch. The potential of this as we go further would be excellent, because of the intense feelings I got with his threat, should the same formula be applied to later chapters perhaps with a better antagonist it would be beyond awesome. So I choose this over 53-55 which are carnage chapters I liked just for sheer brutality. Favorite Character: Dresil She loyal, she thicc af and she binges anime like no tomorrow. It would not be far-fetched to say she is one of the reasons I read the novel as I do have a lot of complaints about it which I will relay later. But overall, Dresil is the biggest thing Cain cares about, as even 53-55 was in part because some lechers tried to touch her and their interactions were so hearth warming it made the succeeding beat down all the more satisfying. Cain by himself is boring as the man does analysis until the reader falls asleep. Dresil, Bob, and Rex are what prevent the novel from being stale but Dresil alone takes the cake as neither Bob nor Rex can fulfill the role she does. Even the plot places her in higher regard as she was initially used as a spy failsafe that failed for the shadow organization. For this and the reasons above Dresil gives life to the novel, the other women who I’m not even sure if they are romantic interests at this point cannot even hold a candle to. 3 things I liked: 1. The scientific approach to magic I know that this may not mean anything as it was a moot endeavor to begin with but the scientific approaches to problems or even analyzing the spells and the systems are what I would 1st do upon being isekaied, so I completely agree with Cain doing so, and I find his trail of though both entertaining and wholly believable. 2. The conspiracies in the book they are a lot of them ranging from why Cain was summoned, to the space mage formation in the bookcase, all might be mundane at 1st glance but most if not all of them lead to truths that I think would make the world go upside down. 3. The dynamic of Dresil, Rex and Bob This trio of supporting characters is hilarious, as previously stated one of the things that prevent the book from being stale. They all start out as mere ignorant children and slowly grow and develop while interacting with Cain. And the author does a good job of fostering different mentalities from all of them despite being exposed to the same Stimuli (Cain’s memories) This allows the group to have clashing and contrasting opinions that give life and meaning to the events of the book, most hilarious example was in both the duel and the kingdom negotiation. These three were just derping around sending meme’s while it may seem like they are stupid. The author’s explanation makes them appear extremely intelligent and has excellent foresight, so I look forward to how they develop further. 3 Things I didn't like 1. Cain’s slow af meandering Okay, number one, Cain analyzes I stated that I liked that, the problem is he does it too much and the explanations are boring af. I understand trying to explain problems with his thought processes but even with my happiness at taking scientific approaches, his attitude and insistence on doing the least possible work make the analysis phase take way longer than it should. Rather than getting everything out of the way, he sleeps, eats, and then resumes analyzing. And the applications to his findings is so mundane and uninspired that I feel cheated on my time reading his thought processes to get there. A good example is the bug killer field. While it eventually evolved to a radar that can tag, kill and investigate anyone Cain encountered. It started out as a bug spray. You don’t even want to know how long it took to evolve out from a bug spray. While I understand the need to give Cain the lazy persona as it works better when overturned, these science bits are boring af and they just go on and on and on. Dresil was the only one I was looking forward to reading about at that point. If you noticed my favorite chapters are all from 51 onwards. This is because the chapters from 1-49 were a slog to go through, and while they did set up the things needed for the succeeding chapters. They were an absolute nightmare to read to the point that it felt like a chore. I was told the Author is rewriting it currently so I hope if gets better but mannnnn these initial chapters are boring af. 2. Cain being far to OP and insistence on playing safe Okay, next point you should have noticed how OP the original bug spray became right? By the 50+ chapters, Cain is too op that he can literally negotiate with a country. While it makes sense as it contributes to the path one must take, Cain already had the ability to do so even as early as chapter 10, I said that I read only a week of his existence in the new world and while that may seem short. It was over 100,000 words, novels have already moved past the openings by that point and this book is still just starting to get out at that word count. I understand why he wants to take it slow, I understand that he is OP as he is the MC. But what is the point in being OP in the field of Ants? And why is our novel insisting on staying with the ants? If he is too OP then leave, if you are not yet OP then build up the power. Currently, Cain is staying in place because he is scared of threats the reader has no knowledge of. And while he can already obliterate countries at this point there is no real semblance of danger nor are there any stakes. Which makes the chapters I read all the more boring af. Pick one, do not turn your MC OP and have him work up for a sense of suspense, or turn him absolutely OP and send him an enemy that he could die to. The current novel keeps both the worse parts and integrated them with the analytical chapters which makes it even more painful to read. What is the point in analyzing so much, when there are literally no problems that you cannot overcome where you are, and the enemy you are too fearful of has not even shown up? The pacing is all wrong. It would have been better to turn him OP, steamroll to the kingdoms then have him be trumped by a mysterious group. this would allow the purpose of the analytical chapters all the more meaningful. Right now Cain appears like an MC so overcautious it makes him appear dull and scarred to fail. Being scared to fail is a trait of reality, and this trait does not translate well to any book as MCs are there to drive the narrative, if they are to play it safe, something else must happen. This is illustrated well when the chapter goes to 51-54, things actually started to happen and Cain leverages why he is OP, it makes the book interesting to read. But to have to read upwards of 75,000 words just for a few chapters, I don’t know if anyone else would be able to slog through that especially today when you have instant OP MCs as a thriving genre. 3. The novels insistence on Discord concepts Initially, I like this bit as I am quite familiar with DC, however, while I do like it the novels and Cain’s instance in making the discussions of the Dresil, Rex, and Bob be in DC complete with voice chats, memes, mutes, and bans serve only to alienate anyone else who does not know the concepts. With the problems this book already has, I think this is something that works adversely to what this novel is trying to do. But I did have a few laughs with them as the problems and situations they represented are very familiar to anyone who uses discord. Actual review Okay this review is already at 2200 words so I will make my closing short and sweet. The book Memories of the Gluttonous sage is a book that has tons of potential with the conspiracies and the analysis of magic the potential for large-scale battles with scientific concepts is something I very much look forward to. Unfortunately, the slog that is chapters 1-49 is bad. The pacing is super slow with little to no payoff aside from a few sweet moments with Dresil and goofing off in Cain's internal DC server. The potential of this book is the only reason why I am putting it as a 5, as with the current trend in novels I find it almost neigh impossible to have a lot of people be able to slog through the initial chapters. While they may and most likely exist, this is a problem the book built on itself and could be remediated with proper pacing and tone shifts. Still, all the factors that could make a novel great are there. But they would need to be excavated from almost 100,000 words that are as boring as can be. The author is a good friend of mine and while the book suffers from little to no issues in grammar, punctuation, and the like. The overall pacing needs to be improved for this novel to see a greater audience. However, I have faith that the succeeding chapters would be better as the 50+ chapters were something I enjoy to have read. Overall, this book deserves a 5, and I am both impressed and in awe of the scientific knowledge of the author. I wish this book success in the future. May you see the light of Victory.

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I liked the story, the start is really good, it's very detailed that helps the reader to imagine the scenes beautifully, keep up the good work author🍃

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i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^ i love this novel! thank you for writing this, Author! more chapters please! ^_^

Reveal Spoiler
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If you like detail and a good story, this is worth the read. What keeps me from rating it as a great read is the author's admitted need for the reader to view sources outside of the story itself to fully understand what is going on. Good luck with future installments! If they are as good as these, you'll have a finished product that you'll be proud of.

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Not bad, needs some work on his naming sense tho. 5 stars for his punctuation game, righth on point. CainCainCainCainCainCainCainCainCainCainCain

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LV 12 Badge

This guy smart. he read many book. I like his book. five stars because the vocabulary is exquisite and the plot riveting. rivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingrivetingriveting

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It’s a book with words in it, i don’t really know what else to say about it, at least the English is good unlike that bish sixth.

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5/5 because the author had thought everything through. A superb work and ya know, I felt like I was really watching the scenes from an anime site instead of merely reading. Plus, Cain reminds me of someone, (hihi) 😊 Kudos to the author! What are you waiting for? R-E-AD

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The author's writing skills is great and so is the book, do give it a read, it will be worthwhile, i wish you all the best and keep up the good work author.

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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Eat and eat and eat and eat. Boi be a glutton, have fun and enjoy the story ladies and gents. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Reveal Spoiler
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The story's literally amazing and very creative. The events have been well described and very detailed. I could literally imagine every scenario very clearly as I kept reading the words. However somehow I feel the writing could've been more fluid to enhance it's quality even more. Overall, it's a very good book and I would recommend it to read, especially if you are fantasy-fiction fan. Best of luck author!

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Great chapters ,loved the description the story development is great and guess what I think I love this book keep it up Author ✨😅❤️Will continue to read .

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LV 11 Badge

Ey yo homie. You must check that novel because I sense some good stuff here boi. Approved by Sixth! What are you waiting for? Go and read boi!

Reveal Spoiler
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Author sinc