/ History / AMELIA, Duchess of House Florence

AMELIA, Duchess of House Florence Original

AMELIA, Duchess of House Florence

History 96 Chapters 104.4K Views

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Amelia knew that she's not for breeding and definitely not for show. She is the rightful Duchess of House Florence--maybe more, but absolutely nothing less.

Orphaned at a young age, Amelia Cicely Florence, the first lady ruler in the history of the Empire of Creador, was but seventeen years old.

Upon her first appearance at the Gathering, some nobles and aristocrats questioned her capabilities and the role of women in society--that was to assist her husband, be his pillar of support, and make sure that their family lives for the next generation.

But Amelia thought differently.

Then entered Duke Alexander Clement, the man with a promise to support her and let her be what she wanted to do with her life.

His conditions? Her happiness.

Or is it?

A slow-paced journey to forgiveness and acceptance; to life and love.

*cover is an edited with the use of AI-generated characters. I couldn't find the artist who made it, if you do, pls inform me. Thank you and happy reading, lovely readers!

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  1. Jennifer_Goliah
    Jennifer_Goliah Contributed 260
  2. Skyria_
    Skyria_ Contributed 49
  3. Sandsea212
    Sandsea212 Contributed 21


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    The story is developing to a new level and everytime I read this, I can feel the emotions of each character and everything in the story. Hoping for more updates.

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    love the romance between Amelia and Alexander, definitely falling in love with them and hoping they would little ones of their own. hoping to get a prequel with what really happened to Amelia's parents

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    Love the way this is written. Its pretty detailed and the characters have depth. Though I wish the chapters were shorter, the beginning is quite long and the paragraphs are chunky, so it takes some time to get into. Otherwise everything else is pretty good 👍

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