/ Urban / Anything For You ❤️

Anything For You ❤️ Original

Anything For You ❤️

Urban 10 Chapters 2.2K Views
Author: Noireja

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Killian's life had always been meticulously planned, destined to inherit the vast diamond fortune that his family had built over generations. So, when he found himself engaged to Nicole, Marissa's high school bully and former co-worker, it seemed like a preordained arrangement by both sets of parents.
Meanwhile, Marissa had recently been hired by Killian's father and now spent her days working under Killian at the diamond empire. Their relationship was complicated, to say the least. They had a history that stretched back to their high school days, and their connection had been intimate on multiple occasions. To make matters even more complicated, Marissa was carrying Killian's child, a secret that weighed heavily on both of them.
As the engagement with Nicole progressed, tensions began to rise. Nicole, sensing the underlying connection between Killian and Marissa, seemed determined to stir up trouble and create discord in this strange love triangle. But despite the challenges they faced, both Killian and his father did everything in their power to support and comfort Marissa, recognizing the difficult position they had put her in due to the financial decline of the family business.
Amidst the chaos and conflicting emotions, a glimmer of hope remained. Deep down, Killian and Marissa knew that their connection was undeniable, and the imminent arrival of their child only strengthened their bond. The path ahead was uncertain, but their love, though tested, was resilient. And as they navigated the complexities of their intertwined lives, they held onto the hope that true love would ultimately prevail.

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    Author Noireja