/ Urban / Darkest hours (MGL series book2)

Darkest hours (MGL series book2) Original

Darkest hours (MGL series book2)

Urban 50 Chapters 1.1K Views
Author: Lady Prim

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What a Witch decides, she achieves.
A place of bloody sacrifices, with magic good and bad.
A place of dark mysteries masked with layers of stories.
Witch Madonna is woman with dark secrets and many tricks up her sleeve. A ritual of human sacrifices to gain the ultimate purpose of being a loveless maiden forever; will it bring her to a person who might break the very purpose of her life?
Why is Witch Madonna so fraught on leading a loveless lonely life?
Who might be the person who is after the Witch and determined to corrupt her life?
"Darkest Hours" is a Gothic Romance story of an insensitive Witch and her man who comes into her life rattling all the laws she had made for herself.
Publisher:i&i Publisher

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    Author Lady Prim