/ Realistic / Endless-Journey

Endless-Journey Original


Realistic 9 Chapters 11.8K Views
Author: The_Remakers

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Henry Davis a millionaire, owner of phoenix Coop. He is the heir for his dad's main bussiness.

Harlet Davis/Black a queen for royal family of Virginia. Owner of a cosmetic brand.wife of Sebastian.

Harry davis works as a DJ for experience. He is the heir for the production company of his dad.
He loves his sibling with his life.

Sebastian black king for royal family of Virginia. He owns the black industries. Husband of Harlet.

What happens when three distanced siblings meet up again after a long time and suddenly to drive away their misery and deal out a issue they go on a road trip LIKE OLD TIMES, but it may be life risking. They try to save each other now from the risk and death.

A trip with no proper destiny. They try to support eachother, but they aren't the same anymore. This all came in sudden upon them. They have changed a lot.

They have kept some secrets to themselves scared to say it. What will happen when they open these secrets to eachother LIKE OLD TIMES. They break eachother walls and help them cope up while trying to fight the situation.

They laugh together.
They Cry together.
They have fun together.
They deal with things together.
They make mistakes and create problem. Sometimes.
Actually Many times.
But at the end they will learn a important lesson.

Let's go on this rollercoaster ride of life with Davis siblings. Let's unravel the mystery about their adventures.

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆●Famiglia su tuto●☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

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Author The_Remakers