/ Fantasy / Gods Avatar

Gods Avatar Original

Gods Avatar

Fantasy 1 Chapters 3.0K Views
Author: DrowZ

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God is and always has been the overseer. The epitome of power; The one that rules over all. His birth was the Big Bang that shaped the very universe.

“But it’s so very lonely at the top...”

After billions of years, observing the hundreds of trillions of planets and dimensions growing and expanding, god has had enough!

Why can’t he enjoy the simple life for once?

God is finally growing into his rebellious phase and has decide “Enough is enough! I will not miss out on the fun, carefree life of mortals!”

//The universe is thought to have an expiration date (omggggg). Our current universe in 13.5 billion years old and is expected to go on for another 200 billion. The stories universe is 30 billion years old, making our mc the equivalent to a 15 year old as a god.//


Authors note: I have never written a story before and my writing skills aren't amazing. You've been warned.

This story is written and edited solely by me. If you see any grammatical errors or anything that doesn’t make sense I would appreciate it if you left me know as you guys will be my peer reviewers.

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Author DrowZ