/ Teen / HAZE My Origin Story

My Origin Story Original

HAZE My Origin Story

Teen 1 Chapters 1.3K Views
Author: bluesassydiva

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Everyone’s heard of The Flash, Supergirl, The Legends of Tomorrow, and The Green Arrow. Well my story has a connection to all three. I know, I know, you don’t want to hear another story about a regular girl whose parents were killed and now she fights crime to find the person that killed them. Well my story is nothing like that, or at least I think so. Now there is nothing else to do but to get right to the point I guess. So here it is..

Hi, my name is Danielle Kawsi Handson and I am one of the most powerful women alive. When I was just 5 years old my mother became deathly ill and died but I’m the only one who doesn’t think it was an accident. To everyone around me I am just an average teenage girl, goes to school, straight A’s, that kinda thing, but in private with the help of Team Flash, as well as some of friends and teachers, I work side by side with The Flash as I help him protect Central City from anyone who mean to cause it harm. I am Haze!

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Author bluesassydiva