/ Urban / He used to hate her

He used to hate her Original

He used to hate her

Urban 43 Chapters 1.3K Views
Author: Katherine Petrova

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Madison Grace...yeah, that's my name. If you are looking for some romance, then that's not available my life. I used to love a boy so much that he equally used to hate me. It broke my heart to pieces and nobody could fix it. I couldn't forget him. Somehow my heart keeps on telling me that Xander's the one for me. But how is it possible? I don't believe it until I saw Xander again after some years of graduation.

He was with his girlfriend and he's a millionaire too. But something was different this time. One incident...just one incident....which changed my life completely It proved that we are destined to be together and that's just how it is.
Publisher:i&i Publisher

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    Author Katherine Petrova