/ Fantasy / I Had to Rebuild my Life

I Had to Rebuild my Life Original

I Had to Rebuild my Life

Fantasy 1 Chapters 2.7K Views
Author: Jason_Warren

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This is the first in a collection of books detailing the adventures of Ray and his friends as they take on the nobles, magic beasts, even the Chosen themselves.

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Story was well written, made me think of the old days back in history if you didn’t do what you were told todo and the consequences. The beginning of the story had a great book to grab your attention and get you into the plot. Can also be relatable for if you had siblings and wondered if anything would be different if you were in their shoes

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It has potential but it is nowhere near professional novel writing standards. Use the"," more in sentence, without it makes sentences seem long and make zero sense. You need it to break up the sections of information in the sentences. Don't use"like" and "as-if" (the first time was good), you need to be defiant and explain to the reader what they should be visualizing. It is confusing when you explain the elf woman and the Chosen, who are they, give more detail before throwing them in. Develop the characters more, explain who they are, why they are there, age, height, etc. before creating a whole fight scene. And the scene didn't make much sense, you really need to explain it, give visualizes. I didn't get the lighting human part, again, more visualizations. I think you should read some other novels and books to learn how the develop cheaters. The Martian and 2001 Space Odyssey are some good books to look over to help with explanations of scenes and characters. Find writing styles you like and use it.

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well written first chapter that gives the necessary background information about the main character. essentially serves as an introduction to the new world being built throughout the story. would like to read more 👍

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Author Jason_Warren