/ Fantasy / Isekai Inochi Tsukurite

Isekai Inochi Tsukurite Original

Isekai Inochi Tsukurite

Fantasy 45 Chapters 12.7K Views
Author: Yumekage_Haruka

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In a world consumed by devastation, "Isekai Inochi Tsukurite" unfolds a narrative centered around its protagonist's remarkable journey. Armed with the power to shape life itself, the protagonist endeavors to craft beings and harness their collective potential to mend a fractured world. These living creations become both the solution and the embodiment of their creator's boundless ingenuity.

Amidst the remnants of what was once a thriving realm, the protagonist embarks on a mission to command their creations, rallying them to halt the tide of destruction. Yet, as they wield the strings of life, they grapple with the moral intricacies of manipulation, questioning the limits of their authority over the destinies they've fashioned.

Guiding them through this labyrinth of challenges is a steadfast AI companion, an ever-present beacon of insight and support. Together, the protagonist and their AI ally navigate the ruins of civilization, endeavoring to uncover the means to not only breathe life into their world but also to refine their prowess through the acquisition of diverse skills.

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  1. Yumekage_Haruka
    Yumekage_Haruka Contributed 5
  2. MrKingCraft
    MrKingCraft Contributed 5
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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
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  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Other than short chapters this a really great novel. The story's system is quite funny and main character is immature that makes it intresting to read

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