/ LGBT+ / Marvel: Audiomancy

Marvel: Audiomancy Original

Marvel: Audiomancy

LGBT+ 9 Chapters 55.4K Views
Author: 3nvoy

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Cruz like usual was running behind for school. On his way he meets his demise. Fortunately or unfortunately he gets a chance to put into the marvel world.

Additional Tags: LGBT

(Also I’ll be updating based on workout schedule)


  1. 3nvoy
    3nvoy Contributed 13
  2. Ryan_Pore
    Ryan_Pore Contributed 5
  3. okaayyyyyy
    okaayyyyyy Contributed 5

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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Great story. Cruz has sound abilities and I can't wait to find out the different applications he'll have for it. I can't help but think he's wishes were somewhat of a waste. His first wish was redundant. He asked for his appearance to be remain unchanged but I think there are bigger things for you to be worried about. His second wish was understandable since he liked that kind of superpower. He's third wish was mental maturity. While it was explained later on that it made him more creative or intelligent, there are countless things he could've wished for that had a similar effect but would be far more powerful or useful. You're writing quality is really good. I really like the dialogue you have between characters. It feels natural and smooth and I can tell you've done research on music. The same goes for you're characters. I'm not so sure about the updating stability. Since you've just started uploading this so I'll give it 5 stars along with world background.

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Author 3nvoy