/ Teen / Mean Queen

Mean Queen Original

Mean Queen

Teen 2 Chapters 4.6K Views
Author: wedielikerobins

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Cover by Lena Buncaras

Ye Ju was the one and only daughter of the powerful nouveau riche of the city so naturally she grew up spoiled.
She had everything and whatever she wanted she gets. That was until she crossed paths with City B's number one bachelor, Li Jisheng.

Ye Ju decided to change in order to catch his attention. She changed her name, her face, her whole personality. Ye Ju changed everything that made her, her.

But one day after she caught Li Jisheng in bed with her best friend she decided it was time to revive the old her.

Her old, mean self.

Regina Ye has been reborn once again.

Parental Guidance Suggested

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