/ Horror / PECULIAR



Horror 16 Chapters 2.5K Views
Author: Philia_Hilz

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How would you feel if your 3 MONTHS OLD baby yells at you? I mean, said the damn fucking words out, right to your face ? Broken? Shocked?; surprised? Hurt ? Jeanie wasn't sure how she felt either.

After her marriage with Nelson, Jeanie Nancy finally had a baby boy. It was a painful moment since her husband died on the day she was delivered of her baby peculiar.

Few months later, the unexpected happened as peculiar started talking at 3 months old. Would Jeanie be able to discover the mystery behinde her son's birth? Would she be able to escape the pain and torture a walking child brought along with him?

Find out how it all started and how Jeanie survived from eternal torture. This novel is based on love, family, curse and betrayal.

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Author Philia_Hilz