/ Fantasy / Second Coming of the Necromancer

Second Coming of the Necromancer Original

Second Coming of the Necromancer

Fantasy 5 Chapters 2.0K Views
Author: HeavenSparrow

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The year is 1176. Necromancy has now been banned for almost 400 years since the cataclysm of the Lost Lands of Drames.

20 years ago, Balthazar was born, and now, in the Grand Academy of Arcana, Balthazar awakens to a possiblity, a thought, could it be that he lived before ? Could it be that he was in the Lost Land of Drames at that time ?

There lies the tale of the second coming of one who wished to defy death, to rebel against heaven, for no rules should hold those who follow their heart.

"In undeath I see freedom, in flesh only shackles.

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Author HeavenSparrow