/ Urban / Stereotypes

Stereotypes Original


Urban 14 Chapters 8.8K Views
Author: Tamara

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"Free yourself."

To some she was just a pretty doctor.
To others she was a young successful woman who life had been good to.
To few she was a broken soul that was trying to pick up her broken pieces.

There was always an idea of what Sheenah was, or was expected to be. On top of them all was the idea that she was the girl who had it all figured out. And her biggest flaw was trying to live up to the idea.

Sheenah had put up with the idea that it became her. Her whole life revolved around the facade. She didn't mind though, it ensured her safety. Her peace. Her sanity.

Everything is however threatened by one trip. One city. One scandal...and one man. He doesn't fall for the facade and is determined to show her that it was okay to let down her walls. That she needed to be free. That there was strength in vulnerability.


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    Author's review and tag list here: Abuse, African, Female- lead, Career- women, Corruption, Friendship, Kenyan, Love, Scandal, Tragic- past. This is a contemporary new adult fiction that explores the life of one female (and her friends) as she goes through self discovery. I believe it's quite relatable. Oh and there's some beautiful people in it also!

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    Author Tamara