/ Fantasy / Suffering in the dark.

Suffering in the dark. Original

Suffering in the dark.

Fantasy 13 Chapters 3.2K Views
Author: Bagelly

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Title: "Echoes of Torment"

In the darkest corners of a tormented soul, pain reigns supreme, an insidious entity that entwines itself around every thought and heartbeat. It is a relentless tempest, a relentless force, tearing through the fragile fabric of existence with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel, carving scars that run deeper than flesh, deeper than bone. Its malevolent secrets whisper in the stillness of sleepless nights, offering no respite, no salvation, only an eternity of suffering.

The story follows an individual who awakens in an enigmatic and harrowing world, cloaked in darkness and devoid of memory. With every step they take, they uncover cryptic messages that torment their mind, driving them to the brink of agony. As they strive to navigate the mysterious and pain-ridden landscape, they must confront not only the physical torment but also the enigma of their own existence. With each revelation, they uncover a system that bestows pain points upon them, promising a sinister reward for endurance. But what is the ultimate purpose of this painful journey?

Parents Strongly Cautioned


  1. Ruan_Carlo
    Ruan_Carlo Contributed 1
  2. Malfeitor
    Malfeitor Contributed 1
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Author Bagelly