Reviews of Summoner Sovereign by Tomoyuki - Webnovel



  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
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  • World Background

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Chinese names. Japanese protagonist pathetic. [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

Reveal Spoiler
View 0 Replies
LV 1 Badge

I didn't read the novel but I find it sad that you have stopped writing novels because of haters. I know it's difficult to ignore their insults and bad comments, but I feel like you shouldn't stop doing your passion just because of others. I, myself, write a story for fun and the only reason I post on this platform is to share it with the world and improve my writing skill from their feedback. So what if people don't like it? Are you writing novels for others or for yourself? You say that your story is 'trash' but as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. When Ronaldo was born, was he already as skilled as he is now?

View 3 Replies

This is a great story! It has good character development, character design, story development, and has good writing quality. Btw, this is just my opinion.

View 1 Replies
LV 13 Badge

The writing stile isn't for everyone but I like it. I have a friend who I recommended a story with a similar writing stile and they told me they don't like it so I'm sad I can't talk about it with them or recommend this one because they wouldn't get through it. Those who don't like the writing stile, it's just sad that you're restricted by your opinion and can't enjoy this story. Anyway I think this story is fun to read and the characters have little quirks that make it that much more enjoyable for me. The author shows some of who they are in the way they write and I plan to read all of what they write.

View 1 Replies

hello author-san, I am a new reader of your work... despite all of the hate comments, I am gonna read your work. well.... everyone has a bad day and I had the worst so how bad it can be.. rightπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

View 1 Replies

I reviewed it at 5.0 Author Don't worry, Be Happy! And also I haven't started reading this since I still have a long line to check before I proceed on this adventure.

View 1 Replies

there were too many negative reviews but the story is good .so i spam positivzz reviews,to balance it out gggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggghgg

View 1 Replies

I haven't read the book but the reviews are chaotic. Im sorry author. i can see that you cared for the book and feel hurt when someone insults your creation, I feel you. Dumb readers everywhere. Same with the authors. I honestly like that you reply to people. It shows that you keep up to date on everyone's comments. It's okay to reply back, don't ignore them but its better to be more careful and professional with words. Hope you have a comeback and return with a better book (cuz based from the reviews, they do not like it) Good Luck to you author. It's hard being an author right? They don't see ththe endurance, effort and creativity of the mind to formulate plots, make up characters and create the word.Again, Good Luck. P. S. I decided to read a few chapters of this book to see what's the fuss all about but only a few chapters cuz I can't stand being in a novel full of toxic comments. Not your fault. Also The 5 stars are for the next novel you create, hope it turns out good. Would love to read a book from an author with your kind of principles.

View 1 Replies

giving this book a second read after finding it again. will update review after 150 chapters. in remember liking this novel and can't remember why I stoped reading.

View 5 Replies

I'm giving this rating just to spite the author [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

well the story is filled with cliches,not that I mind them.The characters are funny and I was just Getting into the story but the author had to just kill off Alicia and now I want to stop reading yet I can't,I want to see the end of it.

View 9 Replies

Wut is dis trash. dis nu gud nu read πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

View 1 Replies

Now that I think about it. This story is ok. Its not what I’d think it’d be. It’s kinda got repetetive, but i stopped reading at like chapter 240 or higher, so maybe it gets better. I feel like his other stories are better. In vibe overall. Its a bit overwhelming. This one kinda makes your head hurt. Yeah, its weird, but everytime i think of this novel, my head kinda hurts. The fight descriptions are good, the author was always good at description. Its pretty funny at times. But yeah, if you dont like this one, check out his other ones.

View 1 Replies

the amount of salt in these comments hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahshahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah scream mother****ers SCREAM hahahahahahaahhahahahaha

View 1 Replies

Imagine living 32 years of your useless life and still clueless about the way society operating even after reincarnating to the body of 12 years old kid. Even having degraded IQ and dehraded mentality. Remember, your reader isn't 8 years old kiddos who yearn for heroic tale in this site.

View 1 Replies

VERY emotional, VERY confrontational, VERY insecure author who will repeatedly tell you to go read something else whenever you point out something you don't like in the comments. Very well then, i will go read other, better stories with more stable authors. At the very least i will not review bomb this story, as there were moments i genuinely enjoyed (such as the first time phoenix was summoned) but i came to dislike the flow of events. Truthfully my interactions with the author were just icing on the cake.

View 23 Replies

This is boring... Couldnt read past 60 chapters, boring borig sorry sorry sorry soyr sory. One is beter, reeeeeeeee

View 1 Replies

Cringe. The author genuinely thinks making fun of readers and breaking fourth walls is funny, but he handles it in a way its cringey and unimmersive. There is no coherent flow, its just scenes stamped against one after another, its kinda like watching a tv cartoons where next episode are not related to the next. Or its like watching Gintama but unlike Gintama this aint funny at all. One of the cringy comedy I could not forget are done this way. Reader: Wait a minute this seems odd. Mc: **breaks the fourth wall and proceeds to say: Hey if you the reader think that way you are wrong cuz [insert reason here] I have short term memory, adding to the fact they are forgettable I wanted to bring something up. I remember some scenes that i wanted to point out but oh well.

View 3 Replies
LV 12 Badge

Okay. Okay. Okay. Just a little over 150 chaps. This novel is great, the author has a superb ability to write. His/her description of fight scenes, the wider world and even character interactions are vivid and inviting. The MC is powerful but still very much human, he isn't infallible and invincible which the author clearly underlines was his intention. Typically, I'm in summoning novels for the OPness but the author has devised a story captivating enough for me to read and enjoy without OPness in the way I'm used to. For all the above, Kudos to the author. It seems the author intended to subvert cliche tropes of typical webnovels, japanese or otherwise, and the work does exactly that... but not much else. It doesn't even do that all the time. For example, it is a well known trope in japanese web novels, for a beautiful girl or heroine to have a fondness for the MC for no apparent reason other than the fact that he is the MC and then for the MC to not know what to do with the affection. In this novel, the MC knows what to do, but the fact that the beautiful girl has an inexplicable soft spot for MC from the start of the novel in the first place means that the story perpetuates the trope it is trying to subvert. Most side characters don't get enough screen time that we understand why they are the way they are and their own background. Their unique quirks, likes, upbringing and character flaws are not aired out enough to allow any nuance beyond the basic. This translates to stereotypical side characters which seem to defeat the novel's commentary on WN. We have the person that hates MC for no real reason, babe that likes MC for no real reason, there is even a female in the first few chapters who tries to go out with MC because he beat her in a duel. Ridiculous. The MC's character is so bland I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a line-up. We don't see him experimenting with his abilities which is a great shame because his powers are based on his imagination. He can summon anything he creates (draws and specifies, I think) so the process of creating something to summon would be a unique experience this novel could have capitalised on. Instead, he seems to show up with a new power every time there is a fight and then says it was created after the fact. The lack of imagination for the MC's summon ability shocks me. The author limits the summoning to only constellations and within that, it is either some basic animal or a weapon. And all the destructive weapons are effectively nukes. There could have been more series of summons based on MC's first life on earth. Greek mythology, Egyptian, heck even Lovecraftian and monsters from games, there is so much the author could have drawn from, but they didn't. So though the summons are good, it is hard to see MC's power as anything other than wasted potential. Even with the above, this story would still be a solid 4- 4.3, that is just how great author's writing is. However, the author uses the MC and the wider story as a vehicle for venting frustrations at WN culture. They do this through frequent fourth wall breaks and whilst this is good for cracking jokes, touching on serious issues such as online bullying and even the occasional satire to drive the novel's parody element home, it is so frequent that it feels less like a positive contribution to the story and to us as readers and more like the author whining, b*tching or ranting about the experiences that they have had online. I I know how bad readers and users of these platforms can be. It seems the author has personally experienced these horrors. That is terrible and I offer my deepest condolences. However, this is not the right platform to address those issues. This really holds this novel back, it damages the sense of immersion and is equivalent to hijacking the story for Author's agenda. Even when readers console the author, he goes and does it again. This repetitive cycle only served to destroy this novel's potential.

View 12 Replies

I got bored idk why. I always yawn while reading this book. I'm quite surprised that the mc is naive at chapter 160+. Fucking dumbass and a hypocrite of a mc. And his "girlfriend" died and he is still the same.

View 3 Replies
LV 14 Badge

Boring . Idiot mc.

View 3 Replies
LV 13 Badge

I though it was going somewhere. Nope. So fast paced you'll think that the MC has a time skip of a few weeks every chapter powering up. Nope, he went to bed and woke up. Then everyone dies, their friends die, family dies, they looked at someone else and died. But that's okay, let's smile and say thanks for the help while breaking the fourth wall when the story needs progress the story or explain an issue without actually doing either one.

Reveal Spoiler
View 6 Replies

I tried my hardest to keep on reading this story, but I just can't continue. All the author does it make comments about what happen to him at the website he release his story originally and not the story. I have left a few comments on some of the chapters, they weren't rude or over the top, just some thought on it. The author responded, instead giving a normal response to my comment, he told me to stop reading it, he was very defensive. I can understand from his story and comments response, he did not have a great time where he first release his story. People over their was beyond rude and would make anyone very upset, but my comments where nothing like that. Author if you spent more time on writing your story, ignored really hateful people, your stories would be better, but you seem that you like to bathe in those comments and never let it go. I hope in the future you can get past your experience before you came to Webnovel and be able to write great stories.

View 4 Replies

The author give the MC the power to summon super monster but **** it up but fucking nerf him with needing to be in around 100 meter near the fucking summon point there so many fucking way to kill him with longrange attack . Fucking dropping this ****

View 1 Replies

Its a pretty average story loaded with tons of references to other authors work. The author does say this him/her self in the comments of nearly each chapter. Which I can only give him/her Big praise for. The biggest Problem i have with it is that these tropes and refernces are just stacked behind each other without much strings between. It read like Multiple storys after each other without fleshing out of any Charakter. Maybe sometime I'll force my self to understand the plot but as of now I am dropping the story At the 30iest chapter Mark. Yours sincrrely,

View 7 Replies

It started fine but the MC suddenly started having a hard time fighting some mobs in his school even after defeating a whole team of the best student in one of the top ten schools. The author completely disregarded that fact just to show that not all the mc does is win which is not good at all

View 5 Replies

I am done with this ****, the mc never retaliates, never. β€œOh I’m just a lazy mc” Stfu Sure, he saves people and helps them, but never gets revenge on people. Everyone thinks he’s trash, even though there’s literal video evidence of him destroying pieces of ****. β€œOh this is because strength doesn’t decide everything” This is where strength matters the most. Like no one has brain except for the mc and his acquaintances, a summoner would be perfect for team battles, but nooo, you gotta prove yourself in individual battles. Buncha dumfuks.

View 6 Replies

I expected too much from this novel but all you get is a beta MC. Drop+delete πŸ™ŠπŸ˜‚ first chapter are too boring idc if "there will be a character development" the protagonist is too beta for me byeee~πŸ‘Œ

View 18 Replies

Eeeehhhh wut is dis?? Sry but dis is trash. Like real fricking garbage. I liked de other one beter! Dis is just dumb. I mean de stry not de authour. Authour is good .

View 37 Replies

I read upto 7 chapters until now. But in that short amount of content, I found several things that ruined my reading experience of this story. They are A) the adopted father that teaches the Mc summoning magic. The method of teaching is 'stubborn teacher(with low IQ and efficiency) teaching a naive student' cliche. B) it took him 1 whole year and 99 defeats to realize that he needs to summon weaker monsters to shorten the summoning time (this type clichΓ©d shounen story rubbish that ruins my reading experience of fantasy stories). C) a girl in their school invites him to join their society/club despite knowing that it might cause him more troubles and her over-reacting arrogant club-mate objecting to on his invitation exaggerating manner (clichΓ©d manner, that too in library). Stubborn/stuck cup teacher, naive shounen Japanese type Mc, trouble bringing supporting characters and arrogant side characters. These are clichΓ©d plot points that ruins a stories these days and all these are present in first 7 chapters of this novel. (Maybe I read to many Japanese stories developed a revulsion to them.)

View 15 Replies

Chinese names. Japanese protagonist pathetic. [img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp][img=exp]

Reveal Spoiler
View 0 Replies
LV 1 Badge

I didn't read the novel but I find it sad that you have stopped writing novels because of haters. I know it's difficult to ignore their insults and bad comments, but I feel like you shouldn't stop doing your passion just because of others. I, myself, write a story for fun and the only reason I post on this platform is to share it with the world and improve my writing skill from their feedback. So what if people don't like it? Are you writing novels for others or for yourself? You say that your story is 'trash' but as the saying goes, practice makes perfect. When Ronaldo was born, was he already as skilled as he is now?

View 3 Replies

This is a great story! It has good character development, character design, story development, and has good writing quality. Btw, this is just my opinion.

View 1 Replies
LV 13 Badge

The writing stile isn't for everyone but I like it. I have a friend who I recommended a story with a similar writing stile and they told me they don't like it so I'm sad I can't talk about it with them or recommend this one because they wouldn't get through it. Those who don't like the writing stile, it's just sad that you're restricted by your opinion and can't enjoy this story. Anyway I think this story is fun to read and the characters have little quirks that make it that much more enjoyable for me. The author shows some of who they are in the way they write and I plan to read all of what they write.

View 1 Replies

hello author-san, I am a new reader of your work... despite all of the hate comments, I am gonna read your work. well.... everyone has a bad day and I had the worst so how bad it can be.. rightπŸ˜…πŸ˜…

View 1 Replies

I reviewed it at 5.0 Author Don't worry, Be Happy! And also I haven't started reading this since I still have a long line to check before I proceed on this adventure.

View 1 Replies

there were too many negative reviews but the story is good .so i spam positivzz reviews,to balance it out gggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggghgg

View 1 Replies

I haven't read the book but the reviews are chaotic. Im sorry author. i can see that you cared for the book and feel hurt when someone insults your creation, I feel you. Dumb readers everywhere. Same with the authors. I honestly like that you reply to people. It shows that you keep up to date on everyone's comments. It's okay to reply back, don't ignore them but its better to be more careful and professional with words. Hope you have a comeback and return with a better book (cuz based from the reviews, they do not like it) Good Luck to you author. It's hard being an author right? They don't see ththe endurance, effort and creativity of the mind to formulate plots, make up characters and create the word.Again, Good Luck. P. S. I decided to read a few chapters of this book to see what's the fuss all about but only a few chapters cuz I can't stand being in a novel full of toxic comments. Not your fault. Also The 5 stars are for the next novel you create, hope it turns out good. Would love to read a book from an author with your kind of principles.

View 1 Replies

giving this book a second read after finding it again. will update review after 150 chapters. in remember liking this novel and can't remember why I stoped reading.

View 5 Replies

I'm giving this rating just to spite the author [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

well the story is filled with cliches,not that I mind them.The characters are funny and I was just Getting into the story but the author had to just kill off Alicia and now I want to stop reading yet I can't,I want to see the end of it.

View 9 Replies

Wut is dis trash. dis nu gud nu read πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

View 1 Replies

Now that I think about it. This story is ok. Its not what I’d think it’d be. It’s kinda got repetetive, but i stopped reading at like chapter 240 or higher, so maybe it gets better. I feel like his other stories are better. In vibe overall. Its a bit overwhelming. This one kinda makes your head hurt. Yeah, its weird, but everytime i think of this novel, my head kinda hurts. The fight descriptions are good, the author was always good at description. Its pretty funny at times. But yeah, if you dont like this one, check out his other ones.

View 1 Replies

the amount of salt in these comments hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahahahahshahshahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah scream mother****ers SCREAM hahahahahahaahhahahahaha

View 1 Replies

Imagine living 32 years of your useless life and still clueless about the way society operating even after reincarnating to the body of 12 years old kid. Even having degraded IQ and dehraded mentality. Remember, your reader isn't 8 years old kiddos who yearn for heroic tale in this site.

View 1 Replies

VERY emotional, VERY confrontational, VERY insecure author who will repeatedly tell you to go read something else whenever you point out something you don't like in the comments. Very well then, i will go read other, better stories with more stable authors. At the very least i will not review bomb this story, as there were moments i genuinely enjoyed (such as the first time phoenix was summoned) but i came to dislike the flow of events. Truthfully my interactions with the author were just icing on the cake.

View 23 Replies

This is boring... Couldnt read past 60 chapters, boring borig sorry sorry sorry soyr sory. One is beter, reeeeeeeee

View 1 Replies

Cringe. The author genuinely thinks making fun of readers and breaking fourth walls is funny, but he handles it in a way its cringey and unimmersive. There is no coherent flow, its just scenes stamped against one after another, its kinda like watching a tv cartoons where next episode are not related to the next. Or its like watching Gintama but unlike Gintama this aint funny at all. One of the cringy comedy I could not forget are done this way. Reader: Wait a minute this seems odd. Mc: **breaks the fourth wall and proceeds to say: Hey if you the reader think that way you are wrong cuz [insert reason here] I have short term memory, adding to the fact they are forgettable I wanted to bring something up. I remember some scenes that i wanted to point out but oh well.

View 3 Replies
LV 12 Badge

Okay. Okay. Okay. Just a little over 150 chaps. This novel is great, the author has a superb ability to write. His/her description of fight scenes, the wider world and even character interactions are vivid and inviting. The MC is powerful but still very much human, he isn't infallible and invincible which the author clearly underlines was his intention. Typically, I'm in summoning novels for the OPness but the author has devised a story captivating enough for me to read and enjoy without OPness in the way I'm used to. For all the above, Kudos to the author. It seems the author intended to subvert cliche tropes of typical webnovels, japanese or otherwise, and the work does exactly that... but not much else. It doesn't even do that all the time. For example, it is a well known trope in japanese web novels, for a beautiful girl or heroine to have a fondness for the MC for no apparent reason other than the fact that he is the MC and then for the MC to not know what to do with the affection. In this novel, the MC knows what to do, but the fact that the beautiful girl has an inexplicable soft spot for MC from the start of the novel in the first place means that the story perpetuates the trope it is trying to subvert. Most side characters don't get enough screen time that we understand why they are the way they are and their own background. Their unique quirks, likes, upbringing and character flaws are not aired out enough to allow any nuance beyond the basic. This translates to stereotypical side characters which seem to defeat the novel's commentary on WN. We have the person that hates MC for no real reason, babe that likes MC for no real reason, there is even a female in the first few chapters who tries to go out with MC because he beat her in a duel. Ridiculous. The MC's character is so bland I wouldn't be able to pick him out in a line-up. We don't see him experimenting with his abilities which is a great shame because his powers are based on his imagination. He can summon anything he creates (draws and specifies, I think) so the process of creating something to summon would be a unique experience this novel could have capitalised on. Instead, he seems to show up with a new power every time there is a fight and then says it was created after the fact. The lack of imagination for the MC's summon ability shocks me. The author limits the summoning to only constellations and within that, it is either some basic animal or a weapon. And all the destructive weapons are effectively nukes. There could have been more series of summons based on MC's first life on earth. Greek mythology, Egyptian, heck even Lovecraftian and monsters from games, there is so much the author could have drawn from, but they didn't. So though the summons are good, it is hard to see MC's power as anything other than wasted potential. Even with the above, this story would still be a solid 4- 4.3, that is just how great author's writing is. However, the author uses the MC and the wider story as a vehicle for venting frustrations at WN culture. They do this through frequent fourth wall breaks and whilst this is good for cracking jokes, touching on serious issues such as online bullying and even the occasional satire to drive the novel's parody element home, it is so frequent that it feels less like a positive contribution to the story and to us as readers and more like the author whining, b*tching or ranting about the experiences that they have had online. I I know how bad readers and users of these platforms can be. It seems the author has personally experienced these horrors. That is terrible and I offer my deepest condolences. However, this is not the right platform to address those issues. This really holds this novel back, it damages the sense of immersion and is equivalent to hijacking the story for Author's agenda. Even when readers console the author, he goes and does it again. This repetitive cycle only served to destroy this novel's potential.

View 12 Replies

I got bored idk why. I always yawn while reading this book. I'm quite surprised that the mc is naive at chapter 160+. Fucking dumbass and a hypocrite of a mc. And his "girlfriend" died and he is still the same.

View 3 Replies
LV 14 Badge

Boring . Idiot mc.

View 3 Replies
LV 13 Badge

I though it was going somewhere. Nope. So fast paced you'll think that the MC has a time skip of a few weeks every chapter powering up. Nope, he went to bed and woke up. Then everyone dies, their friends die, family dies, they looked at someone else and died. But that's okay, let's smile and say thanks for the help while breaking the fourth wall when the story needs progress the story or explain an issue without actually doing either one.

Reveal Spoiler
View 6 Replies

I tried my hardest to keep on reading this story, but I just can't continue. All the author does it make comments about what happen to him at the website he release his story originally and not the story. I have left a few comments on some of the chapters, they weren't rude or over the top, just some thought on it. The author responded, instead giving a normal response to my comment, he told me to stop reading it, he was very defensive. I can understand from his story and comments response, he did not have a great time where he first release his story. People over their was beyond rude and would make anyone very upset, but my comments where nothing like that. Author if you spent more time on writing your story, ignored really hateful people, your stories would be better, but you seem that you like to bathe in those comments and never let it go. I hope in the future you can get past your experience before you came to Webnovel and be able to write great stories.

View 4 Replies

The author give the MC the power to summon super monster but **** it up but fucking nerf him with needing to be in around 100 meter near the fucking summon point there so many fucking way to kill him with longrange attack . Fucking dropping this ****

View 1 Replies

Its a pretty average story loaded with tons of references to other authors work. The author does say this him/her self in the comments of nearly each chapter. Which I can only give him/her Big praise for. The biggest Problem i have with it is that these tropes and refernces are just stacked behind each other without much strings between. It read like Multiple storys after each other without fleshing out of any Charakter. Maybe sometime I'll force my self to understand the plot but as of now I am dropping the story At the 30iest chapter Mark. Yours sincrrely,

View 7 Replies

It started fine but the MC suddenly started having a hard time fighting some mobs in his school even after defeating a whole team of the best student in one of the top ten schools. The author completely disregarded that fact just to show that not all the mc does is win which is not good at all

View 5 Replies

I am done with this ****, the mc never retaliates, never. β€œOh I’m just a lazy mc” Stfu Sure, he saves people and helps them, but never gets revenge on people. Everyone thinks he’s trash, even though there’s literal video evidence of him destroying pieces of ****. β€œOh this is because strength doesn’t decide everything” This is where strength matters the most. Like no one has brain except for the mc and his acquaintances, a summoner would be perfect for team battles, but nooo, you gotta prove yourself in individual battles. Buncha dumfuks.

View 6 Replies

I expected too much from this novel but all you get is a beta MC. Drop+delete πŸ™ŠπŸ˜‚ first chapter are too boring idc if "there will be a character development" the protagonist is too beta for me byeee~πŸ‘Œ

View 18 Replies

Eeeehhhh wut is dis?? Sry but dis is trash. Like real fricking garbage. I liked de other one beter! Dis is just dumb. I mean de stry not de authour. Authour is good .

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I read upto 7 chapters until now. But in that short amount of content, I found several things that ruined my reading experience of this story. They are A) the adopted father that teaches the Mc summoning magic. The method of teaching is 'stubborn teacher(with low IQ and efficiency) teaching a naive student' cliche. B) it took him 1 whole year and 99 defeats to realize that he needs to summon weaker monsters to shorten the summoning time (this type clichΓ©d shounen story rubbish that ruins my reading experience of fantasy stories). C) a girl in their school invites him to join their society/club despite knowing that it might cause him more troubles and her over-reacting arrogant club-mate objecting to on his invitation exaggerating manner (clichΓ©d manner, that too in library). Stubborn/stuck cup teacher, naive shounen Japanese type Mc, trouble bringing supporting characters and arrogant side characters. These are clichΓ©d plot points that ruins a stories these days and all these are present in first 7 chapters of this novel. (Maybe I read to many Japanese stories developed a revulsion to them.)

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