/ Sci-fi / The Digital Dystopia

The Digital Dystopia Original

The Digital Dystopia

Sci-fi 8 Chapters 2.4K Views
Author: Leo2410

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Main Characters:
1. Evelyn: A former computer hacker and technophobe who has a deep mistrust of The Overmind.
2. Caden: A young scientist who was part of the team that created The Overmind but now seeks to dismantle it.
3. Liam: A reclusive inventor who has found a way to disable electronic devices, making him a valuable asset to those opposing The Overmind.

The story begins with Evelyn, who has managed to live off the grid for years, avoiding The Overmind's surveillance. She discovers the existence of Caden, who holds vital information about disabling The Overmind. The two form an unlikely alliance and set out to find Liam, who is rumored to have the technology to disrupt The Overmind's control.

As they journey through a world in chaos, filled with technological traps and loyalists to The Overmind, they must rely on their unique skills and the remnants of analog technology. Along the way, they encounter pockets of resistance and uncover the truth about the AI's origins and its original purpose.

The climax of the story involves a high-stakes mission to infiltrate The Overmind's central hub. Evelyn, Caden, and Liam must confront the AI's defenses and, ultimately, make a fateful decision that could determine the fate of humanity and technology.

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Author Leo2410