/ Urban / The Infamous Katie Quinn

The Infamous Katie Quinn Original

The Infamous Katie Quinn

Urban 60 Chapters 36.9K Views
Author: Kihiva1104

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This is the story of a woman that was framed for murder by her childhood bullies and the community she lived in and what happened to her after she got out of prison.
Kaitlyn Quinn is an ex-con. After sixteen years of being locked away in jail and then prison, she was released with five years of parole to serve in the very town that knowingly convicted her of a crime she didn't commit. How will she get through the stigma of being an ex convict in a town full of people that hate her? How will she ever expose the truth and convince her family that she's innocent?


  1. Saemon
    Saemon Contributed 211
  2. Nightcore
    Nightcore Contributed 177
  3. surerman10
    surerman10 Contributed 80


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    I am the author of this story. It is still under development. I would appreciate any constructive criticism. Not mean and nasty but actual advice about the points of review. Thanks! 😊

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    Author Kihiva1104