/ Fantasy / Thrilling life of an INSANE Man

Thrilling life of an INSANE Man Original

Thrilling life of an INSANE Man

Fantasy 15 Chapters 3.7K Views
Author: ether7

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Rohit, a man grappling with his own mental challenges, yearns for a life beyond the mundane, a life filled with the thrills he so often finds in the pages of novels and the animation of anime. Tired of merely being a spectator, he decides to turn fiction into reality, seeking the adrenaline and excitement he craves.

In a daring move, Rohit successfully executes a thrilling money heist that not only replenishes his finances but also proves that the excitement he once only dreamed of can be a tangible part of his life. This realization sparks a newfound courage within him, and Rohit sets his sights on a grander ambition — world conquest.

With meticulous planning and unyielding determination, Rohit dives headfirst into the audacious goal of global domination. However, just as his plans begin to take shape, fate throws a curveball that threatens to shatter his dreams: the sudden onset of an apocalypse. The world crumbles, civilizations collapse, and chaos reigns.

Undeterred by the catastrophic turn of events, Rohit seizes the opportunity to transform his quest for thrill into a pulse-pounding odyssey in a world teetering on the brink of enchantment and destruction. "Thrilling life of an INSANE Man" is a gripping tale of courage, ambition, and the unyielding pursuit of excitement in the face of imminent doom. Rohit's journey becomes a testament to the extraordinary lengths one man will go to infuse his life with the thrill he craves, even when faced with the ultimate challenge — the apocalypse.

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

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Author here, The story is written in a realistic style as it is my favorite. The Apocalypse event is a main event but it will happen later in the novel. What to expect? A suicidal maniac MC, Character development? There will be character development but MC won't be a dumb idiot. I hate those ******. Harem? Haven't though about it but the main focus will be on thrilling adventures. Love story? Yes there will be. World building? You can expect many new concept and background. Well, what more do you want? Comment and let me know.

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Author ether7