/ Fantasy / Unlace the Devil

Unlace the Devil Original

Unlace the Devil

Fantasy 130 Chapters 14.0K Views
Author: nova_cheron2

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Shivani's parents disappeared when she was just 9 years old, leaving her with her old grandmother. Life that seemed so normal, so humanly would take such a drastic turn to unveil the 'past secrets' and 'buried mysteries', no one had imagined.

When Shivani end up in a, never heard before town with a strange and no way to escape, she starts doubting her previous reality.

Ratri is the town not far away from city but still away from any living eye, hidden from eyes of the visible world. It has never been located in any political map ever. There are deepest, unimaginable secrets it's kept hidden from the whole world.
But now that Shivani and Ray knows about it, it's almost impossible for them to get out alive. It's a real life scary house.

Secrets are silent, impossible is just a hidden reality, life is no more than than a puppet show whose strings lies in the hands of one woman, Martha.

What we imagined to be a dream was just the beginning of a journey into the den of bloodless humans. Humans or someone else.

Will they escape the darkness of Ratri or the light of their home will be consumed into the singularity as well...?


  1. Sarges2
    Sarges2 Contributed 5
  2. nova_cheron2
    nova_cheron2 Contributed 2
  3. Renna_Amaris
    Renna_Amaris Contributed 2


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    Author nova_cheron2